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Show Delta's Needs is Your Opportunity T I i " XI I j. Country is the most promising local- (Lhr ''(Drttttrr iicltn ity ln lhe whoie nlermountam country today. Situated on the main line of the Salt Lake Route 135 miles south of Salt Lake City and 650 miles northeast of Los Angeles, it offers many advantages not to be had elsewhere, to those seeking locations as farmers, business men and investors, for the reason that it offers more and greater opportunities than any other new country now being developed; a rich soil, a direct outlet to the world s market for its products through Los Angeles and the Panama Ca nal, a mild climate with soft open winters, the best of , lithia water for drinking and domestic purposes, ample water for all crops and unlimited possibilities in dairying and live stock raising-Delta raising-Delta being situated in the center of the "Greater" Delta country, coun-try, is the natural hub of this great inland empire comprising 250,000 acres of the best irrigated land now open to settlement. Delta and the "Greater" Delta country has never had a boom, being but little known outside the state of Utah. The builders of this great project have been too intent on their work of making homes to flaunt its many virtues to the four winds as is usually the case with newly irrigated lands. However, we have reached a stage of development when we need lots of hale, hearty, well-to-do farmers and big generous, financiers finan-ciers and business men, full of public spirit and not afraid to take a chance no quitters to help develop and bring to the front the things necessary to make the town and county all that can be desired de-sired Delta needs a Sugar Factory, a Grain Elevator, An Electric Light Plant, A Canning Factory, A Harness Shop, A Flour Mill, A ' Laundry, A Creamery, Condensed Milk and Cheese Factory and many other industries. We need men of finance lo back our ranches in the dairy business busi-ness and other enterprises. If you want to know more of the country and its opportunities address a letter to the Secy, of the Commercial Club, any of our advertisers or the Chronicle office. |