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Show S. W. Eccles left for Salt Lake Monday on business. Miss Jennie Gray is reported very sick with heart trouble. FOR SALE:- Spring pigs. Mason ranch, north of Abraham. a5-tf. Miss Florence Wood of Holden is visiting at the Workman home- WANTED:- Fashionable dress making. Miss Christeena Williams, Will-iams, across street from Law's. al-41 M. M. Johnson, Salt Lake, who owns some choice land on the South Tract is here looking after his interests. D. W. Livingston was here last Sunday with a number of land seekers from Salt Lake and elsewhere. J. H. Manderfield, of the Salt Lake Route was a Delta visiter last Tuesday, attending to railroad rail-road matters. Mrs. E. E. Peterson and Bertha Ber-tha Sampson have returned from Fish lake where they have spent the past month visiting. School Trustee Avery Bishop was over at Fillmore the first of the week attending a meeting of the County School Board. The Civil Service Commission announce another examination at Oasis for rural route carrier out of Delta on Sept. the 11th. Aller & Co., who are buying grain for a Salt Lake firm, shipped ship-ped a car of wheat from this station the first of the week. Miss Christeena Williams, of Salt Lake, sister of Mrs. M. M. Stapley, has opened a dressmaking dressmak-ing parlor in the Grandma Bunker Bun-ker residence. FOR SALE:- Four span of 3 and 4 year-old Mules, well broke to work and good size. Apply C. Overson Ranch, Leamington , Utah. a5-12 The Conquest of an Emporer at the Princess last Thursday was very good. It was an historical his-torical play taken from old Roman Ro-man history about the year 300. Tonight occurs the French play of Sapho. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, of Curtland, N. Y. stopped off one day while enroute to the Exposition Expo-sition at San Francisco to visit their friend, Mrs. Jane Thome. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are taking a sight seeing trip over the Continent, Conti-nent, and in order not to miss any thing, travel by daylight only stopping off each night. They were greatly pleased with this new country and thoroughly enjoyed en-joyed their visit with Mrs. Thome and the Detwilers. A new supply of Monarch Ranges just received at the Delta Furniture Store. j29-a5 Nels C. Manson of Corona, Cali, who has a 40 in Sec. 11, Twp. 16, R 7, came in yesterday and will take up his residence on his land and prepare it for fall plowing. Dr. Richards, our local dentist, who has been spending some time in Levan and over in Wayne county, has returned to his Delta office and is now ready to receive re-ceive his patrons. The doctor reports a pleasant and successful success-ful trip. The Utah Real Estate Co. closed a deal the first of the week with John Cross of Riverside, River-side, Cali., whereby he becomes the purchaser of forty near Abraham. Mr. Cross will have the place plowed and seeded this fall and will move his family onto it the coming spring. Ernest Pierce, who has been working for F. W. Jeffery, had the misfortune to have a pitchfork pitch-fork run in his hand while handling grain Wednesday of last week. Blood poison has effected the wound and he has been compelled to lay off, having hav-ing a bad arm. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cottrel, who have been spending the last two weeks in the hills at the head of the Weber river, returned return-ed the last of last week and report re-port a fine time. In fact they enjoyed the rugged country and the beautiful senery and the good fishing so much that they figure on returning for another outing. W. E. Baldwin, of Los Angeles, Angel-es, brot in a car of emigrant goods the first of the week and is transporting them on his 80 in Sec. 10, twp. 16, R. 7 on the North Tract. He is an experienced exper-ienced farmer and in a position to go at once to development work and we predict that he will soon have a pleasing farm made out of his purchase. Last Wednesday night the O.Z.O. Club entertained the boys at a campfire supper. They boiled coffee and roasted weinies over the camp fire and ate the many other" good things taken from home. After supper games were played until all were tired, and then every one sat around the fire toasting marshmallows , and telling stores until time to wend their way homeward. C. Overson of Leamington was a caller in Delta last Saturday. Mr. Overson is a fancier of mules and raises a number of these animals. In conversation with him relating to this part of Utah we learned that he is an early pioneer of these parts and helped to build the first dam across the Sevier fifty-three years ago. At the Delta Furniture Store you can find Basting Spoons, Paring Knives, Graters, Cake . Turners, Egg Beaters, Tea Strai- ners, Clothes Pins, Nickle Cus-I Cus-I pidors, Curtain Rods, Glasses, Crockery and Enamel ware, A. ! Miller, Proprietor. j29-a5 ; P. H. VanWinkle and family, who have been visiting the gen- tleman's father, who has a claim on the South Tract, have left for their home in Oklahoma. The j father has just finished a new house on his place and is making ; final proof. We understand that ' Mr. VanWinkle has purchased ! another forty to add to his hold- ings. The young man seemed great ( ly agitated, not to say frigh-, frigh-, tened, as he approached the I father of the "dearest girl on ! earth." I "Sir, your daughter has prom-i prom-i ised to become my wife. " "Well, don't come to me for ! sympathy; you might know 1 something would happen to you, i hanging around our house five i nights a week." I Dancing at the Delta Opera ! House. Tomorrow night especially, especi-ally, good dance with fine music. : Mrs. Lauree Sportsman of Milford who has been visiting-Mrs. visiting-Mrs. R. C. Bates, returned to i her home Saturday. Ben. R. Eldridge, one of the biggest dairymen of the state, of , Salt Lake, was here the first of the week looking over tho Delta . country. House moving has been in order this week. Cass Lewis having moved the Jenkins residence from just west of their store to , south of the photo gallery.,- and "'A' L. Broderick having moved a building he had on a resident , lot up and connected if with his resturant. |