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Show (Special Salej All Summer Goods at Cost and Below Cost j I Fresh Groceries ArrivingJTwicea Week We are Certainly" " Giving Some Great Bhis Now on Our Bargain Counter J t New Calcuta GRAIN SACKS at 10 Cents R. J. LAW, - Delta. To Satisfy the Particular Appetite of all people-we have the Choicest and Freshest in Beef, Pork Vegetables, Butter, Eggs, Lard, Etc. We a so carry a complete com-plete Line of Canned Goods and Fresh and Salt Meats. V. e give full weight and full measure. We respectfully solicit your patronage, THE DELTA MEAT MARKET Delbert Searles, Prop. t List your property for quick sale- SUMMERLAND FARMS COMPANY. Buyers are coming in now. Delta, (Opposite Post Office) Utah i The Dunsmore Hotel i; J Every Room is newly, n( ltly and J amply furnished. The HUB CAFE Ij i; Special Sunday Dinners jj From 12:30 to 2:30 i: At Our Everyday Price of 35 Cts. : Jl We Serve the Best to be Had in the ! Best Possible Manner. Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited. J ! Under New Management ! '-, ' Delta Barber Shop MARION K1LPACK, Prop. Visit me often A clean Shave; A stylish Haircut FOR SALE:-A No. 1. Smith-Premier Typewriter, in good shape. Just the thing for one with considerable private correspondence. Price $10. Call at the Chronicle office and see it. I! Keep Kool ; ; We have a nice lot J ! ; of Fine Solid 1 ICE In our Ice House at the 2 0 Brick Yard, we will sell j J J for i cent per pound, or 4 will deliver if enough j 't ti ade can be had. Call 1 ' ' us up. j GARDNERS ! Contractors Wanted j The Delta Land & j Water Company would 4 like to get in touch with i parties who are in a po- j J sition to take contracts 1 for the clearing and i plowing of land, or to 2 f contract for the con- 1 struction cf ditches. 1 First class work done at Empire Em-pire Photo Studio, and Millinery Emporium,' Delta, Give us a call. jl5-tf -FOR SALE:-Carbon Copying Paper at the Chronicle office. ml3tf |