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Show The Millard County Chronicle Published Every Thursday tt Delta, Millard County, Utah Entered as tecond-class mail matter July 14th 1910 at the Postoffice at Delta, Utah, undr act ol March 3, 1679. BY THE- CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. CHAS. 0. DAVIS, Managing Editor. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Six Months, $1.25 ADVERTISING RATES: Cardi, 1 .00 per inch per month; display ads 80cts per inch, single column per month. Discount Dis-count tor large space. Reading notices lOcts per lino 6rst insertion, 5cts. each subsequent insertion. !iSP mm km iMiSs! 1 11 5t 'I L'; FfiCTQBY t?.tGh iWble l aWjg;lm,lbybu-.-. !t,X.sKSr SEfeiw I 1 1 1 Seif-feesllBg timfA g dure ice trill sell you a xainple pair Jor JJ.if icttn r- - : , y , . .vy !?1 RO MGRET ROUSLE FROM PUHCTSJfitS Q$k, M,, M 7 'f&,:-hf:'m Nails, Yaeks or Glsso will not lot tho air out. L'-r'-v'r - ----- i;T- i !---' ' f- A buudred thousand pairs sold last year. jrf38-.l!, BESORIPTIONs Ettiff" T ? :. f3$ il' ridtns, very durable and lined inside with. V v ji.- v 1 ' "'j' I a special duality of rublKT, which never b'- . comi-s porous and which closes ud smull . if Noticothcthiclt rubber trrM punctures without allowlne air to escape. They we urn k jjj noiiioi pu,3ture etri no moro than an ordinary tire. Ihopunotmo rcMstii tjjjj ,h a Hr) ,.;rjp i,, Qualities being given by several layers pi thin specialli cm " rjll5 cutiinn. TI-..0 prepared fabric on the tread. Xlu regular price of tnesO P''"' t ( Bnv c;hoi. tiles is S10.UU per pair, but for advertlsinir l'""f 1 t'S t,r wliS PLASTIO ;nd are making a special factory price to the rider of only V? mrliO-SCPT, -'"' W 80 per pair. All orders shipped same day lettei 3 J tnSY R;DlrJS. received. We will ship C. 0.1). on approval, iou a J . , os represented notneed to pay a cent until you examine and We will allow a caah discount of 5 per cent abrf W "C.'riuenient. You run no ll;,!: l.l you send FULL CASH WITH ORDER and endc se till -? trl. p rc.ason they are ixl 1 sending us an order as the t ires may be returned at i OU R 'ensi i f.lo , ak lr yo order ' aotlsaclorj on oTaiulnailon. Wo are perfectly rot labloai r l,.tr better, last l(.n.r and oot i. a pair odiums Urea, yim will find tba thox will r"10" 'xl 'V i, v,1 Twill la-ao veil " "M"?.?.1.,?.1;- - IF YOU MEED TIRES 2 SSS' It eoutB only a postal to learn ovcrythluc. WrlnMtNOWii. B P (fj 9 C f C3 W J. L HEAD SVILE HOGS-I will pay highest market price for hogs that are ready for market, weighing from 165 to 225 pounds. Phone or see me before selling what you have. Leuthaeuser and Lyman. See Willis Lyman, Delta, Utah. Splendid Land Offer. The best of irrigated or dry farm lands offered in large or small tracts. Alfalfa seed, wheat or fruit lands of the best quality at low prices. Ray & Greenwood. 2223 Judge Bldg. Salt Lake City. a29tf Suits cleaned and pressed 75c. and up ; 1 suit a week for month at contract price of $2.00. Suits called for and delivered in city. AH work guaranteed satisfactory or money refunded. A. L. Brod-erick. Brod-erick. Clark St. 43-4n Dr. J. G. Irons, Veterinarian Will make calls anywhere Live Stock Inspections NEPHI - - UTAH J. H. ALLISON, Carpenter and Builder. Shop work a specialty; Estimates are cheerfully furnished. Delta, Utah Kit now i The Christian Science Society Christian Science Servic- j es at the Mission Chapel, ; !; Delta, will be suspended until the first Sunday in : j: September. f- u , ' There are Reasons why If y Hogs are Top-Nctch I HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND Fine Thorobred Duroc Jersey Hogs FOR SALE Th.i. Hori come from tt. W blood of th.lr liria nd rs most .uit.blo for th Intermountain rr. lion Writ, or Phono O. L. Lake, Abraham, Utah t The Mission i: I Presbyterian Church, t The Minister preaches ', i each Sunday at a country Z point in the following order. V, Sun Flower. j I Woodrow. " South Tract. These services are held ii J at 3:00 p.m. j; - Notice for. Publication Department of the Interior U S ". Mortal, No. (yM i sej Lots 7 ami a Section l'l , ,1 rsa,;u1i;u-"f |