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Show Oak City Offerings (Jos. H. Christenson, Rep.) Mr. Stork again made his visit in Oak City, leaving with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Walker a nice big girl. LeRoy will be needing a post office clerk in the near future fu-ture and is pleased to have one of his own. A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Lov-ell. Lov-ell. All doing nicely. Miss Mattie Parks of Nephi, who has been rusticating in the canyon with friends, has been very sick at the home of Mr. C. Roper, but is reported on the improve im-prove at this-writing. E. Ottley of Delta is busy on Joseph Finlinson's house, adding another room and porch which will improve the home very much. Alvin Lyman has his new up-to- date bungalow nearly completed. com-pleted. Farmers are busy getting up their grain. A good crop is expected-this year. . The second crop of hay is also on the move toward the stock yards. A number of our town people attended conference and priesthood priest-hood meeting at Hinckley Saturday. Satur-day. Also a large deligation attended at-tended conference at Leamington Leaming-ton Sunday. Mrs. A. Lyman is spending a pleasure trip in California. Clinton Dutson has been on the sick list of late, but is now improving. L. R. Webb made a business trip to Hinckley last week. A mixed game of ball was played Saturday instead of Deseret Des-eret and Oak City. We were much disappointed to hear of them not coming as preparations were made for a big time. A dance at night was a success. |