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Show FEDERAL PRDDE OF STEAMER DISASTER BOARD HEADED BY SECRETARY REDFIELD TO HEAR EVIDENCE ON EASTLAND TRAGEDY. Underballasting or Improper Manlpu lation of Water Tanks Cause of Ship Capsizing, According to Testimony of inspectors. Chicago. With William C. Redfteld, secretary of commerce, in charge ot one investigation and a federal grand jury empaneled by Judge K. M. Lan dis conducting another, interest now centers in the federal government's efforts to fix the blame for the capsiz ing of the steamer Eastland with the resultant loss of hundreds of lives. The six men held responsible by the coroner's verdict, have been arrested William C. Redfield, secretary ol commerce, aided by members of the steamboat inspection service. Solicitor A. L., Thurman, solicitor of the depart ment of commerce, and a number ol civilians, invited as an advisory board hoard several witnesses on Thursday and will continue the investigation The federal grand Jury was ordered by Judge Landis to proceed with a careful inquiry of the Eastland catas trophe. Nothing to throw new light on th case of the capsizing of the Eastlan was developed before Secretary Red field. Inspectors and others expressee the opinion that underballasting or im proper manipulation of the water bal last tanks had upset the ship. Rober , Reid of Grand Haven, Mich., the fed eral inspector who granted the East land permission to increase its passen gers from 2,200 to 2,500 on July 2, tes tified that the ship had plenty of roon for even more passengers and hat complied with the law by providtnf 1 the legal amount of life preservers i boats and life rafts. He had seen th ship carry 3,000 persons safely, h' i said, had inspected the ballast tanks although not required to do so, am , had no fear of the ship's sinking, hii son-in-law, J. M. Erickson, being chie ' engineer of the craft. He said he hac ' never received any favor from an; ' officer or owner of the vessel. |