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Show Free advice is usually worth just what it costs the recipient. Roumania's posi ticn as to the European war seems to be that of a thrifty real estate dealer. It takes a man who never did a thing to tell how it ought to be done. No indeed, that is not an allusion to Mr. Bryan's peace popaganda. It is reported that navigation on the Missouri river north of Omaha is being resumed, but the dispatches do not state whether a sled or scow is being used. Dallas, Texas, has posted a check of $100,000 as its bid for the next democratic national convention. con-vention. It is now up to some competitor to put up one for 100,001. Jim Hill is just back from a fishing trip that cost him $108,000. We're about due for another lecture in favor of rasing railroad rates. And that starts us thinking. The next two fits we get hold of we are going to invest in a bathing suit and take an outing oursejves. Preliminary reports from sugar sug-ar beet growing districts indicate indi-cate that approximately 640, 00C acres of beets have been planted. This compares with 580,000 in 1913. The increase in area for the present year is a direct result re-sult of the higher price received for sugar as a result of the European Euro-pean war. The Bridge on the main road just north of town across the Melville canal is reported in a deplorable condition and altogether alto-gether unsafe to cross. A number num-ber of people have registered complaints about it and some have taken to the water rather than cross the bridge. It i.s hoped that the road officials have already discovered and repaired it, and if not they will lose no time in doing so before an accident acci-dent happens. At the outbreak of the Euro pean war this Government, it will be recalled, advanced a lot of money to aid tourists to get home from the warring countries. coun-tries. The Treasury Department now finds it necessary to sue a lot of the rescued to recover the money advanced, several millions in all. We always suspected s lot of those European tourists were making the trip at the expense ex-pense of their creditors, anc this incident conferms the suspicion. su-spicion. Almost every week we receive communications for publication without any signature attached to them. One of the require ments of newspaper etiquet is that all communications bt signed, and those which are submitted sub-mitted without signatures are consigned to the waste basket. The names of those submitting copy are always withheld if it is acceptable as news matter ii the writer, so desires or he is given a .chance to say whether or not his communication shall appear over his signature. Hereafter Here-after if you have any communications communi-cations to submit it will be necessary nec-essary that your signature ac-campany ac-campany it. No, Maude S, we don't understand under-stand that horse radish is the veterinarian's favorite vegetable. vegeta-ble. Some of them may prefer Cow peas. |