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Show EXPOSITIONS San Diego Via. Los Angeles San Francisco Via Los Angeles See Southern California Pacific Limited Leaves Delta Daily at 1:52, p. m. The Colorado-California Limited leaves Delta Daily 5:26, p.m. See R. C. Bates, agent Salt Lake Route, Delta, or write for Exposition Booklet. PBgra J. H. Manderfield Xoigy A. G. P. A. For Sale or Trade Clean, up-to-date $12,000 stock of Gen'l Merchandise in a railroad rail-road town, new irrigation project pro-ject just opened around town. Store did $40,000 worth of business busi-ness last year. Will sell at invoice in-voice price. Lease on brick and cement block building 75x32 with eight rooms up-stairs goes with stock. A first-class buy. Address, Ad-dress, (Merchandise) The Chronicle, Chron-icle, Delta, Utah. j24-tf Delta Dray Line J. C. WORKS, Prop. Draying and Hauling C. A. Broaddus, M. I). Physician and Surgeon, und Occulist. Hinckley, Office t Reid" I (ul, Telepn 1 Oitlce GEOrEBANKS, LAWYER D?lta, Utah. Opposite Postoffice James Alex Melville Attorney-at-Law DELTA - UTAH iuit Lake Adurl, 303 Felt Building. Specialist EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT Glasses Kitted. David II. Lewis.M. D. SALT LAKE CII Y. LTAH 1008 Walker Bunk Building.' Dr. Glenn W. Richards, Resident Dentist, DELTA, Millard County, UTAH Hours for Appoinments: 10 to 12; 1 to 5 Office in City Drug Store Building. BiixU Sank of (jpaata. Docs a General Banking Business and Solicits your patronage; offering every accomodation consistent with sound, safe banking principles. Interest on Savings; Collections Made; Money Transmitted Anywhere. C. 0. W. PIERS9N, Cashier HOTEL DELTA The Largest and Best Equipped Hotel in Millard County. Larfa and well lighted "ample room. Bath and hot and eold water. Well furnished rooms and a good table. The favorite stopping place for land buyers and commercial travelers. MRS. DOHA COOPER, Manager Delta Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Auto Livery in Connection I have first-class Rigs for hire with or with-' with-' out drivers. Rates are reasonable. Baled Hay and Grain For Sale. A. B. WARD, DELTA, - - . UTAH. i Frank Beckwith j Notary Public iFire Insurance j Public Stenographer ! Office: Delta State Bank i Wi get the genuine IfcSsp i New Home R 1 Sewing Machine iOf"! I " W e nwchine fSijfj&g I with tht am! NEW jvlrW'c 1 HOME on. ihe m 1 ftli R and in the legs. 9 wornmtcd for .11 iUSVf Wfe I No other like it M ' tl Noot!icrasgoodli" Jiia Nsw Noma Sowing Wacl.ir.o Company, ORANC MASS. DEALER WAN1LD I If Better ' ' 7 T'uTN 1 COAL THANRpl were mined in the West, this lSiivf?s'-rfe'! Company, of course, would - 1 - ----i-OV---.- - g handle it. ABERDEEN is 95 Fuel by government test. ( Baker Lumber Company, Delta, Oasis, Lynndyl. H Iir Idtu itat? Hank nf tMta, Ittal) Capital Stock, paid in - - S20,000.00 We invite your banking business, assuring our patrons every courtesy and accommodation accommoda-tion consistent with prudent banking principles. princi-ples. Our patrons interests are our interests. MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BANK. J. A. MELVILLE, President. FRANK BECKWITH, Cashier. I To the Delta Entrymen: T When you come to Delta and took advantage of the Slate's Liberal J X offer of a farm that you KNOW to be one of the BEST in the west, i you promised to write some of your friends and tell them how you liked it; , T but you have teen busy getting the new home started, (he land plowed, the J J new well down for fine lithia water, the house up and the seed in the Z ground. You thought of your promise several times and told yourself that T you really would write tomorrow, but well, you were busy, and each week the memory of your promise became dimmer. X Now, we both want good, substantial, progressive farmers, don't we? X Every good family that comes in here to live and improves a farm makes Y your farm more valuable, don't they? Makes better neighbors for the ' wife and children. ' ' t Won't you sit down today and write at least two of your old fiiendi J; and neighbors; tell them of the opportunities here for industrious farmers i not to get rich quick. There is no place here for a lazy man, or the man ', f seeking a "pl f gold st the end of the rainbow," but a REAL opportun. j ; X ity for the earnest, sincere farmer who is willing to work, willing to sacrifico in little now for the Bake of an INDEPENDENT FUTURE. Tell them of our clear.sunshiney days and the dry, exhilirating climate, J j Tell them of the splendid opportunity for successful hog-raising. , Tell them of alfalfa grown in this valley from fields planted thirty-five J years ago, . Tell them of the gravity irrigation system, insuring a crop every year. . TELL THEM, that building a new farm means work, and some capital and MORE WORK. X Then send us their names and we will mail them booklets and pictur- ', X es of your new home our wonderful Delta Country; You will be doing 't ' X this company, your friend and yourself a favor. Won't you do it today? I Western Securities Company, ;; X Sole Colonization Agents for Delta Land and Water Co.. Delta, Utah. ' |