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Show By STIFF DEFENSE RUSSIANS WHILE WITHDRAWING FROM WARSAW DELIVER POW-ERFUL POW-ERFUL COUNTER ATTACKS It i Not Certain That Russians Can Make Good Their Retirement From Warsaw, as Germans Are Endeavoring Endeav-oring to Cut Off Retreat. The anniversary of the 'outbreak of the war was passed without the Germans Ger-mans occupying Warsaw, which was understood to be' part of their program. pro-gram. However, news of this climax to the AustroGernian offensive in the eajit, which was begun early in May, Is hourly expected, for what little Information In-formation Is allowed to leak through Is to the effect that the Russians for several days haie been withdrawing to the Brest line, leaving small forces to fight rear guard actions, so that the main armies might make good their retreat. These rear guard actions have developed de-veloped at many places Into fairly large battles, as the Russians, whose steadiness has been phenomenal in the face of defeat, are offering stubborn stub-born resistance to the German advances ad-vances and delivering powerful counterattacks. coun-terattacks. For example, they have prevented Field Marshal von Hinden-burg Hinden-burg from throwing more of his troops across the Narew; repulsed German attackB to the northwest of Warsaw and driven back to the river some of the invading troops who crossed the Vistula to the south of Warsaw. It Is not certain whether the Russian Rus-sian armies can make good their retirement re-tirement from Warsaw. Certainly the Austro-Germans are doing their best to prevent it and have moved up very strong reinforcements to hasten their encircling movement. The apearance of fresh troops also suggests that the German staff will not be satisfied with the capture of the city or even the destruction de-struction of part of the Russian army, but, should this be accomplished, will break the Brest line and finally try to crush the entire Russian force. Meanwhile the Germans, who appear ap-pear to have an inexhaustible supply of munitions, are -fighting desperately to retain every position which they hold along the western front. They have recaptured part of the trenches which they lost to the British near Hooge and are making an effort to regain re-gain what they lost to the French in the 'Muenster reigion of Alsace. An unconfirmed report comes from Rome that the Austrians are preparing prepar-ing for the evacuation of Trieste, and have already removed the machinery of the munitions factories. |