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Show Notice to Water Users State Engineer's office. Salt Lake City, Utah, July 14. 1914. Notice is hereby given that S. A. Greenwood, whose post office address is Salt Lake City Utah, has made application in accordance with the requirements of the Compiled Laws of CAah, 1907, as ammended by the Session Laws of Utah, 1909 and 1911, to appropriate five thous-md thous-md 5,000 acre-feet of water from Sevier Sev-ier River, Millard County, Ctah. Part of the said water will be diverted at a point which bears south 42 degrees 50 minutes east 7,421.5 feet from the southwest corner of Section 2, Township Town-ship 18 south, Range 9 west, and part will be diverted at a point which bears south 75 degrees 22 minutes east 4,312 feet from the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of Section 5, Townthip 18 south, Range 8 west. Salt Lake base and meridian. The water will be stored from Janurary 1. to December 31, inclusive, of each year, in a reservoir embracad in Sections 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21. Township Town-ship 18 south. Range 8 west, and sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 23 and 24, Township 18 south, Range 9 west. Salt Lake base and meridian, covering what is known as Carp and Blue lakes. The reservoir will have four impounding im-pounding dams, the centers of which will be located lo-cated as follows: No. 1 will lie 1,937 feet west and 219 feet south from the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of section 12; No. 2 will lie 4.938 feet south; No. 3 will lie 6,625 feet south and 375 feet west, and No 4 will lie 500 feet north and 312 feet west from the southeast corner of Section 11 all in township No. 18 louth, Range 9 went, at which points the water will be released and allowed to flow down the natural channels of North river, South river, south branch of South river and the old river channel for a distance aggregating 66,298 feet, and a ditch for a distance of 6,000 feet, and there used from Janurary 1, to December 31, inclusive, of each year, to irrigate 3,760 acres of Und embraced em-braced in Sections 9, 11, 12. 15. 16. 17. 20, 21. 22.28, and 32, Township 18 south, Range 9 west Salt Lake base and meredian. This application is is designated in the State Engineer's office as No. 6071. All protests against the granting of said application, ap-plication, stating the rearons therefor, must be made by affadavit in duplicate, accompanied by a fee of $2.50. and filed in this office within thirty (30 days after the completion of the publication of this notice. W. D. Beers, Slate Engineer. Date of first publication July 22, 1915, date of completion of publication August 21, 1915. Notice of Publication Final Proof. I, John M. VanWinkle of Oklahoma City, Ok la. , who made Entry No. 3(4, under provisions of Chapter 2. Title 75, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907. as amended, amend-ed, commonly known as the "Carey Act" which embraces nej sej sej sej of Section Sec-tion 6. nwj swj of section 5, townshir ISs of Range 6 West, do here! give notice of my intention to make fina proof to establish my claim to the lane above described, and that I expect U prove that I have settled upon, reclaimed reclaim-ed and cultivated said lands as requirec by the laws and the rules and regulations regula-tions relative thereto, before Frank Reckwith, who is the authorized representative repre-sentative of the State Buard of Lane Commissioners of the State of Utah, a1 Delta, Utah, on Aug. ''., 1915. by two ol the following witnesses: J. P. Fidel. Harry Pearson, Frank Johnson and J. W. Evans, all of Delta, Utah. j22al9 John M. VanWinkle Entrymar |