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Show 1 The Pioneer Jeweler Souvenirs, Silver. Jewelry Native Na-tive Stones, Utah Silver, Utah Gold, Utah Stones and a factory to make what you want. BOYD PARK MAKERS" OF JEWELR.Y. FOUNDED 1563 SALT LAKE CITY No Guess-VEft Guess-VEft Work Here! Never RIP Work Clothes . m.d. by .xpert union workers end guaranteed ,o satisfy! Absolutely the bos. over. Mis your money can buy. Demand the.enu.ne ' Never Rip." Your dealer deal-er here at home sells them! ,,,,Trn MEN ASP WOMEN. Now lB the WANTED to learn the barber trade Bar- . bl-ra In ureal demand. Special rale i. HiivB Only short time required. , Sss f Serel.l St., Salt Lake (Hty. Ulh. Not as Green as He Leaked. At a recent trial one of die witnesses wit-nesses was a green count; yman, unused un-used to the ways of the law, but quick, as it proved, to understand its principles. prin-ciples. After a severe c.oss-exam-lnatlon the counsel for tn prosecution prosecu-tion paused, and then, puUmg on a. look of severity, exclaimed: "Mr. Kilklns, has not an effort been made to induce you to tell a different dif-ferent story?" "A different story from what I told, sir?" 'That iB what I mean." "Yes, sir; several persons have tried to get me to tell a different story from what I have told, but they couldn't." "Now, sir, upon your oath, I wish to know who those persons are." "Well, I guess you've tried 'bout as-hard as-hard as any of them." Had Made a Start. Pete, the hired man, was known for his prodigious appetite. One morning he had eaten a normal breakfast ol oatmeal, buckwheat cakes, toast, fried potatoes, ham, eggs, doughnuts, coffee cof-fee and the usual trimmings, and gone to the neighbor's to help with extra work. Pete arrivtd before the family had risen from the morning meal. "Well, Pete," hospitably Inquired the farmer, "had breakfast yet?" ' "Aw," drawled Pete in a wheedling tone, "kinda." Everybody's Magazine. Maga-zine. Homelike. "Before engaging rooms in your house," said the bachelor, "I want to know if there are any families with crying babies staying here." "I'm afraid there Is," replied the landlady, "but we " "Well, I was just going to eay," continued the other, "that if there are I want you to put me in the room next to theirs. I want- to wake up in the night and hear their trouble, so that I can congratulate myself agaia that I'm not married." I Preparatory Course. Mr. Scrapp My wife informs me, I Jane, that you wish to leave us and become an attendant at the lunatic , asylum. That seems very ill-advised, 1 Jane. Why, what experience have ( you had? Jane Well, sir, I've been her three years Boston Transcript Unselfishness. "George, where are your school 1 books?" "When notices appeared that books were wanted for the wounded I gave , mine to them." San Francisco Star. , Canned. "Is your wife putting up any fruit this summer?" , "No, but I've canned a few , peaches." , "You have?" "Yes. I've had three different stenographers this year, and not one t of them knew half as much about spelling and grammar as she did , about the latest fashions." Origin of the Family Dough. , "The first of our line, Sir Higgledy , Piggledy. founded the family fortunes with a grist mill he ran." f "When did he run this grist mill?" , "Back in 1560 or thereabouts." "Oh, ye.s. I've often heard that those were the times when knighthood knight-hood was in flour." Louisville Cour f ler-Journal. d Convenient Premiums. t "Does your husband carry much y life insurance?" y "I don't know the exact amount, - but it's Just enough so that whenever I want a new gown or hat he alway manages to have a premium to meet." s An Illustration. "Dad, what is meant by carrying j coals to Newcastle?" t. "It's a figure ot speech, my boy-( boy-( Like trying to tell something to graduating class that they don't know." Pittsburg Post To Be Sure. t "I don't see why the colleges per-" per-" sist in teaching Latin and Greek. ! French or German would be much - more useful to the students." "Oh, well, the dead language W neutral, anyhow." |