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Show Rocky Roads of China. We all know the description of the enakes in Ireland: "There are none," and much the same might be said about the roads in China. There are io-called roads, certainly, upon which the people move about, but I have eldom met one that was any better than the surrounding country, and ery, very often on this journey I met roads where it was ease and luxury lux-ury to move off them on to the neighboring neigh-boring plowed field. The recipe for a road there in the North seems to be: "Take a piece of the country that Is really too bad to plow or to use for any agricultural purposes what- .j ever, that a mountain torrent, ip fact, has given up as too much for the water, upset a stone wall over it, a Btone wall with good large stones in it, take care they never for a moment lie evenly, and you have your road. Wide World Magazine. |