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Show Hot Weather L Meats lC 70 Veal Loaf, to erve cold: Cooked Corned Beef, select 60- and appetizing. Chicken Loajf Ham Loaf and Veal Loaf, 50 I delicately seasoned. Vienna Sausage, Genuine Deviled 40 1- Ham and Wafer Sliced Dried Beef for sandwiches and 30 dainty luncheons. 20-E Iruht on Lthhy't at your grow '1 10-Pi Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago 6ofl 1 Ej mhjhi iiihji mim n . nu ' l,iyMtWT;.MA.y-W''-W''''4i)' J - - - - - ''ft- J Children Cry For Ket Cotteets IS Field Drachms II. It-",:,",'-, .,-- ;- ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT. J - f I j j J V J WK AegetaMcPn.'paralionfbrAs: j wf m Y.'j i '-'V w Jra II V. F"S ft Usso What is CASTORIA jfe Promotes DiaestioaChecrful- VVIlciL lO I Vnirt ire rtcssandRfst.Containsncilher Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OU, rare ',1 Opium.Morpliinc nor Mineral. Boric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It uri" NOT NARCOTIC. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kareotio g tnun Zhf, DrrrHFD substance. Its acre is its gnarant.ee. It destroys Worm i rw JtmpcofQUDr.SUmPITatEa Bnd allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years its a?sZJL . has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, itp AsJd3 I Flatulency, AVind Colic, all Teething Troubles and pXtminl I Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, "! aj i-t' I assimilates the Food, givingr healthy and natural Bleep ' . qaAted saw I she Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. jO"' V,vUergwi Haver I - EiiSSSg' GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 'ifi Wonns. Feverishne.s.s and Loss of Sleep. Bears the Signature of vjo'O Fac-Simile Signature of .Twr f Tggg u&TTX, J4iUcJuM . piMltfi In Use For Over 30 Years V. i The Kind You Have Always Bought Exact Copy of Wrapper thi cintaun com ran v. nkw youk city. A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed For Douches In the local treatment of woman iuoh as lcucorrhoea and Inflammation, hot douches of Paxtine are very e&icaciou. No woman who has ever used niedicatxl douches will fail to appreciate the clean and healthy condition Paxtine produces and U19 prompt relief from soreness and discomfort which follows its use. This is because Paitin fossesses superior cleansing, disinfect lift and healing properties. ggrr. For ten years the Lydia E. grf- J Pinkham Medicine Co. has reo- Wiwjyi' ommended Paxtine in their t,ylilfi private correspondence with wo- F men, which provos its suiteri- I B B ority. Women who have been I m "M E M relieved say it le " worth its lycLlT weipht in gold." At drugta. "" ; large hox or by mail. Hnmpl free Xdc Pax ton Toilet Co., Bob ton, Mussv THPTWIls enable the dyspeptic to eat whatever hm wishes. They cause the food to assimilate mom nourish the body, give appetite, and DEVELOP FLESH. Or Tutt Manufacturing Co. New York. DAISY FLY KILLER ::;-.7i Si frfrfrlv rVTKiS Vfc son. of jSrYHft W.'irS'V 1 mpUkl' an'tHU or Up .kPvT Nl onr, will not soli ?J7f'47,';' - '"Jar nytbln. yA.Mt " 'J ' Ournid fTerlWsk. Wfnrrf"-t-ai.l'illfty ..pre... p.ld for ll.oa. AKOLD S0UEB1, 10 Da Inoklfa, K. Piles-Piles-Piles Sli A rJTtrr Hrrono alllnj with PILK llf Mil I t J pplhcnd niinio, allr-i! lo br. 4. V. UutIi Co., kJkbrt, lud. Do bo kU ouca-'ifUJiA X. PUBLIC LAND MININO AND INDIAN CARKH PATRICK H. JjUtU.HKAN. AThiHNKV AT I.A1 6tt BANNISTER H 1 1 11 A ll N( J , WAHHlNU'niN, Bank and OUier LUsleruoces Uiroa uo lloijuut, A HNOI.UTKI.Y new ptopoul I Inn ; Kfl In now; til momy. Kull pnrtU'Dliirn f r . W nil'- Supply .,E, J(I07 Illinois A v.,HKiknne.U aali. W. N. U.( Salt Lako City, No. 32-1915- The Way Out "Sometimes I think," remarked tho timid younR man in the jwrlor Hcene. "that if I- er had money I' would er K't married." "Well," suggested the dear fdrl who v,hb occupying the othrr end of tho sofa, ''why don't you try and er borrow Borne?" Btat Milton's Record. . Student I read thai - Milton HprnC fifteen d;iyn on one pae when writing "Paradise Ja)M." Convict Thai 'h nothing. I have been on one sentence hx yearn. lirooklyn Star. No Doubt. Twirhor Mary, can yon tell me how Nnah'B ark wan lighted? Mary YenRum, with ark llghfm HAIR OR NO HAIR? It 1. Certainly Up to You and Cutl-cura. Cutl-cura. Trial Free. H.ijt shampoos with Cutlcura Soap, followed by light dressings of Cutlcura Cutl-cura Ointment rubbed into the scalp skin tend to clear the scalp of dandruff, dan-druff, soothe itching and irritation and promote healthy hair-growing conditions. condi-tions. Nothing better, cleaner, purer. Sample each free by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. The Judge Says Put a package of these real com flakes these New Post Toasties on trial beside a package of any other corn flakes on the market. The jury will bring in a verdict of "guilty" guilty of being the finest corn flakes ever made.- The New Post Toasties are crisp and appetizing, with a- true corn flavour, and they don't mush down when mi. t cream is added. But heres the real test. Take a handful, fresh from the package, and eat them without cream or milk. Mighty good, aren't they? Notice the little "puffs" on each flake a distinguishing distin-guishing characteristic resulting from the new method of cooking and toasting, which also brings out and enhances the wonderful, true com flavour, t Your Grocer has the New Post Toasties. Try them and bring in your verdict "Delicious" WHY NOT 9 flip rr : : . 1$ KC is pure. KC is health- ful. It really does make $VbJ4il lighter, nicer biscuits, cakes (jpOf and pastry than the old r'l h fashioned single acting -ffitiff baking powders. ' And you pay only a fair price for it. No baking powder should sell for more. to |