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Show Jiry as lav as $ 5 per $100 1 1 h'mTu i Let us finance your nevt car! l.cfKttfHTMWi, 127 North Mcda Ph. JU 6-6573 meet a, Ixlstory molccr... fMf&,,tm siwi;''fli( o AIJEj 1VBW - pHp Different? Definitely! Tha now 'Jp' Wagonear is the first station wagon ortr built to offer tha comfort, siltnca, spaed and smoothness of a passenger car plus th safety and traction of 4-wheel drive. Tbe 'Jeep? Wagon eer is the on family wagon you can drive almost aaywhere, la almost any kind of weather.' If i the first and only 4-wheet drive we&on with optional automatic trentminion and independent front auapenaion. Tha 'Jeep' Wagoneer features the power and economy of America's first and only automotive overhead camshaft engine, the Tarnado-OHC. It has the most usable cargo space... I both high aad wide. The 'Jeep IOU VlClUt Wagoaeer is also available in 2 -wheel TTI JiEESf drive models. Step in. Sis it up. Try qwwK It ami at your 'Jeep' Dealer's today I m Wuiya Hjjf. twU'i lnw amfcuim f 4-wfc trtn raatolie. See the Lloyd Bridges Show Mondays 9:30 p. m. mi-STATE r.OTons 298 South Main Cedar City, Utah J Teaching and Speaking ;i I r """1 Ait,s i i , YOU YOU TOO CAN TEACH (j n f '""'"J By Paul H. Dunn and ,i I VrtTUU Cherie B. Parker 3 1 ll PflN lor clear, effective teaching. Here 1 " 1 II O"' . is a tremendous teaching aid for , r aaaJtsLJ teachers in Auxiliaries and Priest- i r 1 YPilv" 10011 1u0,umj nd 'n teacher 1 1 J " training. Useful for eery Bishop, I, i J . '".; ' parent Priesthood leader, and all I f r i ' who need to be better teachers. IviiMir ' (vlNy !, j . U In-" 1 j stimulating, stirring, and impressive frrfASUR' j j stories that can be applied to hun- I I U dreds of different talks. 11.75 rwi Cedar Scho1 a,ld offlce The. better it runs the better you livel I s&r Volume god trpjicfcet Cooc down. Cheaper hj the ido'tbeaper trill 17 tbe JJ millioa TWi beousc sdvcrdsiiif b on the oK building mass markets. Tbea Vcf lacreascd demand makes more jobs-pits more moecj Into drculadoa for oocf5V bigje burlnf powctv Ifi At Amerkaa cjde ot (xoduamry and pkar, aod thcrt'i bo limit to what b do. roc all of as. Lit'B Kep Rolling AAud 1 , , |