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Show Extension Service Accepts 4-H Award Program Eight 1954 National 411 award piograms, in which a total of GO college scholarships valued at SIS.OOO.OO will be awarded to the highest rating winners, have ben accepted by the State Extension Ex-tension Service. The programs, number of $300 national scholarships, and award donors are: achievement, 12, Ford Motor Co.; canning, 6, Kerr Glass, farm and home electric, 6, Westinghouse Educational Foundation; food preparation, 8, Kclvinator; girls' record, (5, Montgomery Mont-gomery Ward; health, 6, Kellogg Co. of Battle Creek, Mich.; home improvement, 8, Sears-Roebuck Foundation, and safety, 8, General Gener-al Motors. County awards in the programs have been increased to four gold-filled gold-filled medals of honor, with the exception of food preparation and girls' record, which offer one each. Slate awards remain the same as in 1953. Each boy and girl stale winner in the 4-H achievement achieve-ment program will receive a set of two miniature statues, and state winners in the other seven programs will be awarded an all-expense all-expense trip to the annual Club Congress in Chicago. The number of sectional trips to the Chicago Chica-go Congress offered in the achievement activity have been increased from 16 to 24. Each state winner in the above programs will be awarded a certificate cer-tificate of honor, as well as four 4-H Clubs in each county in the safety program. |