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Show i News of Seivicemen Clark Mitchell who has been stationed at an army camp near Baltimore, Md., for the past several sev-eral months, arrived home last week end to visit with his parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Mitchell prior to leaving for overseas duty. du-ty. He will remain here until May 1 when he will go to Ft. Lewis from where he will leave for duty du-ty in the Far East. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Lyman received re-ceived word the first of the week that their son Mack, had recently completed his course and received re-ceived his Paratrooper's Wings, lie has been training at Fort Bragg, N. C. for several months and recently has ben taking part in war maneuvers at that camp. After serving for the past 18 months with the armed forces in Japan, Jimmie Mitchell arrived home last week end to visit his wife, Mrs. Betty D. Mitchell, and his new daughter, which he had never seen before, and his parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Mitchell. Mitch-ell. After spending 30 days at home, Jimmie will report at Greenville, Miss, to complete the final year of his enlistment in the Air Corps. |