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Show CLUB NOTES Mrs. Ralph Box Thursday evening Mrs. Max Randell was hostess to the members mem-bers of her club at a bridge luncheon. Those present were Mrs. M. F. Burgett, Mrs. Alden Heap, Mrs. Dan Matheson, Mrs. Tom Une, Mrs. Boyd Leonard, Mrs. Glen Yergensen, Mrs. Jack Thuit, Mrs. Giles Bolander, Mrs. Sam Gentry, Mrs. Burns Sherratt, Mrs. Clare Randall and Mrs. Dee Cowan. Score prizes were awarded to Mrs. Cowan, Mrs. Mathews. Mrs. Sherratt, Mrs. L'rie and Mrs. Leonard. Sixteen members of the Reading Read-ing Club met Friday at the home of Mrs--. W. L. Jones, who was assisted as-sisted by Mrs. Thomas Little and Mrs. J. M. Berry. The afternoon was enjoyed with Olaf Larson as guest speaker. He discussed the history, beauty and the arts of Sweden, illustrated with pictures. Following Mr. Larson's discussion luncheon was served by the hostesses. host-esses. The regular meeting of Cedar Cnapter 20, Order of Eastern Star, will be held Monday, April 26, at the Masonic temple. Mis. Hugh Cheever was hostess Tuesday evening at her home for the following ladies for luncheon lunch-eon and bridge: Mrs. Carl Hazel, Mrs. Paul Stewart, Mrs. Virgil Smith, Mrs. Zealand M unlock, Mrs. Arnold Arrowsmith, Miss Elnel Smith, Mrs. L. R. McCon-nell McCon-nell and Mrs. Arthur Burnham. Score prizes were awarded to Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. McConnell and Miss Smith. Members of the Wednesday Club were the guests of Mrs. Francis Betenson for lunch followed fol-lowed by an evening of bridge. Special guests included Mrs. Fal-laf Fal-laf Olofson, Mrs. Robert Gardner, Mrs. York Jones, Mrs. Blaine Standifird, and Mrs. Graham MacDonald. Score prizes were awarded Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Mac-Donald Mac-Donald and Mrs. Boyd Paulson. Members of the M B W Club were the guests of Mrs. Herbert Milnp at her home, with newly elected officers presiding. The new officers include Mrs. Arthur Nelson, president; Mrs. Haldow Christersen, vice president; Mrs. Preston Wood, secretary and treasurer;, Mrs. Mack Naegle, Mrs. Hyrum Perry, and Mrs. Herbert Her-bert Milne, entertainment committee; com-mittee; Mrs. Darwin Nelson Mrs. Milo Corry, and Mrs. King Stephenson, refreshment committee, commit-tee, and Mrs. M. D. Arns, reporter. The afternoon was enjoyed with Mrs. Lillis Spencer giving humorous humor-ous readings, followed by a luncheon served to 15 members by the hostess. Mrs. Rhoda Emmett Em-mett was a special guest for the afternoon. The April meeting of the Cedar City Ladies of Elks will be held on Thursday, April 20, with Mrs. Carl Hazel, president, and the other newly elected officers honoring hon-oring the retiring officers at a banquet. Tables and colors for a May Day theme will be carried out. Mrs. Dee Orton was hostess to the ladies of the Wednesday Club at a luncheon followed with bridge. Members present were Mrs. Giles Bolander, Mrs. Rex Harris, Mrs. Wirth Wood, Mrs. West Seegmiller, Mrs. Hugh Cheever, Mrs. Wayne Jackson, Mrs. Merrill Kunz, Mrs. Don Mathews, Mrs. Arthur Burnham and Mrs. Raymond Lee. Mrs. J. L. j Fakler was a special guest to the club. Score prizes were won by Mrs Burnham, Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Bolander. |