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Show Dept. Store President Announces Expansion Program Stockholders of J. c. Penney Company, nation-wide depart ment store organization, heard jat the annual meeting today in j New York that 1954 will see the company's largest new-store expansion ex-pansion program in more than 20 years. A. W. Hughes, president, said the company will open at least 30 new stores this year in communities com-munities where it has not previously pre-viously operated stores. In addition, 53 existing stores will be relocated in new buildings build-ings in towns long served by Penney stores, compared with 17 last year. The company store in Cedar Ulty win be one of tnese do stores, and will provide one of the finest fin-est and most modern stores of any city of a comparable size, according to company officials. The new store will be opened late in May it is understood. Optimistic about future busi ness conditions, Mr. Hughes told the stockholders: "No one could be privileged to , share in the general operation of I a nation-wide concern, located in .nearly 1,600 communities, with-( with-( I out having faith in the vitality of our American system and our free way of life. "The continued Increase in population, the movement to suburbia, su-burbia, the urge to better living liv-ing all help to provide a constantly con-stantly enlarging area of opportunity oppor-tunity for our company. We be-I be-I lieve that the Penney Company is in an excellent position to take advantage of this oppor-- oppor-- t unity." |