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Show Possible Candidates For County, State Posts Hinted Neither of the political parties have taken any concerted action as yet toward filling their tickets tic-kets for the general election in November, but there seems to be considerable interest at this early date. Individuals who may be candidates for the various offices are frequently mentioned, how-1 ever, none of them have announced an-nounced definitely their intention to become candidates. It is assumed that all current office holders will be candidates for re election, or at least will be willing to accept the nomination nomina-tion if party support is offered. The top office to be filled at the election this year, of course, will be Congressman from the First Utah District. The position is now held by Douglas String-fellow String-fellow of Ogden, Republican. There is but little doubt that Stringfellow will receive the Republican Re-publican nomination for re-elect-tion, although he may have one or two opponents for the nomination. nomin-ation. There has been some suggestion sugges-tion in Cedar City that former Congressman Walter K. Granger may be the Democratic nominee for this office. Granger represented represent-ed the First District in Congress for a number of terms, but was (Weated when he "stepped up the ladder" and sought to win the Utah seat in the United States held by Arthur V. Wat-kins Wat-kins of Orcm. As far as we know Granger has made no indication as to whether or not he would seek or even accept the nomination. nomina-tion. Dalley a Possibility There has also been some sug-; sug-; gestion that J. Frank Dalley, vet-eral vet-eral of World War II and com-' com-' mander of the 213th Field Artillery Artil-lery Battalion during the unit's r t ii action in ivorea, may dc a candidate candi-date for the Democratic nomination nomina-tion for Congressman. A number of local Democrats have indicated indicat-ed a willingness to support Dalley Dal-ley if he throws his hat into the ring. Heber E. Revy, Cedar City Republican, Re-publican, will undoubtedly receive re-ceive his party's support for reelection re-election to the State Legislature Legisla-ture if he is willing to run for another term. Unless Sevy withdraws with-draws there is very little possibility possi-bility that any other Republican will seek the office. Dr. John Beal, who filled the un expired term of L. N. Marsden when he was forced to resign from the State Senate because of ill health, has been frequently mentioned men-tioned as a possible candidate. Gail Seegmiller, local cafe operator, oper-ator, has also been mentioned for the state legisldture position. However, Seegmi'ler is more likely to become a candidate for one of the county commission posts. School Members Mentioned Two local school people are frequently mentioned as possible possi-ble Democratic candidates for the state legislature, Gustive O. Larson, Lar-son, director of the Cedar L D S Institute, and Twain Tippetts, head of the English department of the College of Southern Utah. It is doubtful if Larson would accept ac-cept the nomination, however, because serving in the legislature legisla-ture would create a difficult conflict con-flict with his institute responsibilities. responsi-bilities. Two other Democrats who have been mentioned as possible pos-sible candidates are W. S. "Dub" Leigh and Clinton Milne. Much interest will be focused on county offices this year because be-cause of a very substantial increase in-crease in salaries for all county officers that has become effective. effec-tive. In the past the salary schedules have been low, but the present scale will undoubtedly make all of these offices more attractive. at-tractive. County Commissioners The election of county commissioners commis-sioners may be the highlight of the entire campaign, and a number num-ber of candidates will undoubtedly undoubted-ly be considered before nomina- (Continued on Page Eight B) Political Post Candidates Hinted (Continued from Page One B) ions are finally made. One commissioner com-missioner will be elected for a tour year term and one for a two year term. The terms of Jess Guymon of Parowan and Lyman Sevy of Ce-Jar Ce-Jar City expire this year. Sevy Aas appointed to fill the unexpired unex-pired term of Douglas Clark following fol-lowing Mr. Clark's death. Sevy, had also served as a commissioner commis-sioner several years earlier. He has not indicated whether or not he will be a candidate for re-election, re-election, but it is expected that he will receive his party's support sup-port if he decides to run. Two other Cedar City men most frequently fre-quently mentioned for the Republican Re-publican nomination are Gail Seegmiller and Walter G. Lunt. Both are active party workers, Lunt holding the position of County Republican chairman at the present time. Seegmiller is a former Cedar City councilman. Alex Wood of Beryl may also be a candidate. Among the leading Democratic Democra-tic possibiliti?s are Gustive Larson, Lar-son, Frank Milne, Clarence Mil-J ler and Dub Leigh of Cedar City, and Watson Adams of Parowan. Mario Tophom, Tarowan, may also al-so be considered. Haldow Chris-tensen, Chris-tensen, former county sheriff and Cedar City councilman, has also been mentioned as a possibility. However, Christensen is also being be-ing considered as a Democratic candidate for sheriff. Nelson Expected to Run Arthur Nelson, Republican, the present county sheriff, is expected expect-ed to be a candidate for re-election, and if he seeks the nomination, nomin-ation, will probably be unopposed unop-posed in the Republican ranks. However, if he does not seek the nomination, his deputy, Charles Wells, will undoubtedly be in the race. There has been some indication in-dication that City Police Chief Tony Lambert will seek the office, of-fice, but the chief states that he does not want to "pet mixed up in politics." No one seems to know just what Tony's politics I aie. Haldow Christensen is the most likely Democratic candidate candi-date for the position. County Attorney Durham Morris. Mor-ris. Republican, will undoubtedly undoubted-ly get the nomination for re-election, and Orville Isom, Democrat, will probably be his opponent. Remaining Posts Republican All of the other county offices are held by Republicans and each will probably win the party nomination for re election. There has been little indication as yet as to Democratic choices for positions. po-sitions. The offices to be- filled and the incumbents, include, County Clerk, W. Clair Rowley; County Treasurer, Clair Unlet; Recorder, Georgia B. Mitchell; Assessor and Surveyor, Hillman Dalley. The office of Judge of the Fifth Judicial District must also be filled. It is expected that Judge Will L. Hoyt, Democrat, will be a candidate for re-election, but to date there has been very little lit-tle indication as to his possible opponent. |