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Show B '1 s jF H CLASSIFIED locals IHuy a farm of W. II. Kay & (Jo, and make money easy, LOCKSMITJM J Q. IJAVIS.inaBouth Fourth West St. Scissors, Manors, Knlvea, Lawn Mowers sharpened, Keys made and mm looks repaired, Hindsolman, graduate oplloiat at Taylor Hro., fits the hard to fit, For ye trouble see him, Marshall's Bokory and Confec. h tlonnry at 124 West Center is the Hjj place to got your cake and oonfeo- tions, Itivonlalo butter and, fresh fjrgg, tf ! Hivcrdnlo llrand Host Creamery Butter, Fresh Kggs, and "That f Good Ilread," at Marshall, 124 went renter. Ind. Phono 4(1, Fon HAT.B W have a tine pleoo of L Main street property for sale at a bar gain. ItU located at M West Center j street. You had better buy It. W.H IUy Co. The Grier I Tonne is nerving fresh I oysters, Hindeelman ran muku your old watch keep txirreot time. Can nlwi for the right price suit your liest girl with a ring or watch, For your hand lias and stylish comlw go to Taylor Bros, See Taylor Uros. tor diamonds. I Let Dr. IlelmUelmun tent your ft eyes. Pleasant, sure, eaiy, safo little liver i! PllU, are PeWltt's Little Early Mser. i They are eany to lake, and act tjontly. We sell and recommend them, 1'hI-k 1'hI-k ice Irug Co. For Sale A first class piano, A bargain If taken at (inoo. Hell t phone 158 Red, If our thankKRlvlnR dinner will not tie complete without a bottle of our wine. Klkliorn Pharmacy. 0. A. I HedquUt, Proprietor. L Wine by the gallon or Itottlo ho t" fi the Klkhorn for quality and price. I California and Imported Wines ttel I' our price, Klkhorn Pharmaoy. . A. Hedqulst, Prop, j For a first olaas oyster supper go I to the Grier hints? I For yc ir weak eyes, see Dr. I Ileludscln an Graduate Optician at Taylor Bros. I Dr. Heindselman carries an I elegant line of watches and ringB. j LUNCH 1100M8 I' Kxiu J. Thombkv, opposite Itlo I Grande depot. I,unehos sorved quick- I' ly, Meals 25 cents, I "Wanted- Good driving borne IL during winter months for iti feed, I Call at "White Sowing Machine I office. tf I Visit the old homo Thanksgiving I' One fare for the round trip via Sail I, Vedro, Beud us your order and we will HK be pleased to suppl; that Thanks- giving Turkey. Central Mrnt Co P "Your taxes may advance, " but H you will find a big reduction iu HB your groceries and meat at the Hlnea Grocery & Meat Co Duo Hl ley Chase, Mgr. B Thanksgiving rates via the Sau H, Pedro November 25 and 20, one HH , fere for round trip. the number is 56 H: Academy Avenue- B Moore Drug Co. Ht..; One fare for the round trip via HB9 J Sn Pedro November 25 and 20. I JMg For that good bread go to Mar HL ' I's. 124 West Center. IflRf . THE VERY BEST WINES 1 WBM - OU YOUR THANKSGIVING! BINNElt AT fjip MOQUeI . you can find An degant lino of boys' blousr wnists and shirts at The Toggery. . vol i HAIiU - At a bargain 8 room modern hotixc, Dood stable, Nice lawn and ulittde treex, Hlooo.oo If sold with-ten with-ten (layn, li(t Center street. An kpmd of termn.W.H- Hay A Co. Get your dinner at the Griei I louse. tf Por Kent Kurnlfhcl, Beven room hath, complete. Qood location, Ni piano. Wn.oo per month. W. II. Hay ft Co, Just arrived a full and complete lino of stationery, pena, Inks, pencils, pen-cils, etc. Palitre Dni Co, ThankuHlvliiH wine, Ltquorn am (lee rat the Klkhorn, U, A. Hcl-quUt, Hcl-quUt, Jrop If your watch needs repairinp take tt to Ilelndselman at Tuyloi Bros. He can make it run. tf Kennedy' Laxative CourIi Syrup not only heals Irritation and allays lntlammallon, thereby HtoppliiR thr coukIi, but It moves the howela Rcnlly and In that way drives the cold from the system. Contains no opiates. It Is pleasant to take, and children especially espec-ially like the taste, ho nearly like maple ma-ple autcar. Bold by Palace DrUK Co. nOOKBPHINQB COAL. Place your order with the Independent Coal Company Opposite Woole Mill Low rate excursion to Salt Lake Saturday, Deo. 1 2, via San Pedro. Special returning. $1,25 to Salt Lake and return via San Pedro Saturday, Deo. 12, for Ben Hur, Half rates via the San Pedro November 25 and 20. "Wanted Your suits to clean, repair and press. 13!) . Academy Ave. Clear, sparkling wines Just proper pro-per for the Thanksgiving dinner, Moore Drug Co, Den Hur Salt Lake theatre Saturday, Sat-urday, Dec, 12. Special oxourslor via San Pedro, Dr, J. J. Buswell, Opthalmu speoiallst will be at the Roberts House Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 23rd and 24th. NOTICE. Notice U hereby uiven by theoltj oounol) of l'rovo olty, Utah, of the In tentton of said council to make the fol lowliiK described Improvement, to.wlt To grade and gravel (but uuoli grade 1 shall not be oonntruw) as fixing or labllshlna the grade ko that It may noi be changed by tho city hereafter) tin i following deiitjnatod sidewalks, bolus Qravellng District No. 0, as heretofort created and established by a resolu tlon of tho olty council duly adopted and approved, said sidewalks being located In l'rovo olty, Utah county Utah. All that portion of the north side walk on Sixth Boutli street between tho west side of Ninth West street ami tho east side of Revntoenth West streottalso that portion of the wmth sidewalk on said Sixth South ntrcel bet, ween the west eld of Seventeenth Wc.it street and approximately IW feet wei.t thereof opposite Hcber Carter's Car-ter's gate In front or the said Carter's hotue, and to defray the abutter's proportion pro-portion of the costs and expense thereof, estimated at W23.U8, or VI cents per front or Uncut foot (there being approximately 6214 feet of abutting abut-ting property) by a local assessment mi the lots and lands abutting or afrontlng upon said Improvement cm-braced cm-braced within said district, lit propor tlon to the foot front so abutting thereon, there-on, being the district to bo all'ected or benetltted by the said Improvement, which lands are described as follows to-wlt: All lots and lands abutting or afrontlng afront-lng upon tho said sidewalks to bo so Improved as aforesaid. The city's proportion of gnld costs and expenses shall be defrayed by the city. j All protests ami Directions to the 'carrying out of the anld Intention I must be presented In .vrltlng to the city recorder mi or byforif 7;tX) p. m., of Monday 14th day of December, 1U0H, j thai being tho time when tho city council will meet and hear and con-I con-I slder such objections as may be Oiade ItUereto, ' ' " i Deled November ltf, 1IKJ8. Ily order of the city council of Provo illy, Utah. I),VlU JoickSon, '' Cty Recorder. Date of first publication Novembei .1, 1008. , aravolln' Dhtrtot No. 0. 1 Notice to Creditors. In the District court of the Fourth Judicial District, Btatoof Utoh.County f Utah. In the matter of tho estate of Henry V. Orecne, deceased.. Notice Crolltors wll present claims with vouohers to the undersigned at I'ayson, Utah, on or heforo March 20, 1009. JAOOh CVAKH, Attoruoy for Administrator. Josr:'u t',irpoiD Oiihkni:, Admnis.trator With will anlicxcd. First Hub. Nov. in, WH, NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY. ,". Notice Is hereby glvon that the peo-lal peo-lal tax levied by the olty council of l'rovo City, Utah, upon thoprnpo'tj-In thoprnpo'tj-In curbltur and guttering district 'o, 1 by an ordinance passed on tho 17th day of Novemlicr, 1W)8, and approved in tho 18th day of Novemtcr, 1W)S, for the purpose of laying and constructing cement couorole curb and gutter In said district, will bo duo and delinquent delin-quent as hereinafter stated, which property Is described as follows, to-wltl to-wltl Fronting on Center street. Lots 1, 2, n, and 4, block 28, plat B; lots 1 and 2, block 67; lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 8.1; lots 1 and 2, block CO; lots 1,2, B and 4, block 70, and lots 1 and , 2, block 71, plat A. Fronting on Academy Avenue. IiOts 4 and b blook 2tf, and lots 2, 0, 4 and A, blook 29, plat' J); lots 1, 0, 7 and B, blook 07, and lots. I and 8, blook 88, plat A. Fronting on First West Btreet. , Lots 2, 8, 4 and 6, block B7 and lots 1 and 8, blook 08, plat A. " That said tax will become due In five 1 equal annual Installments, .and if not. paid when due will be deltrtqatnt, which due dates are as follows, to-wlt f ' One llfth thereof In thirty days nftor ' the approval of the ordinance aforesaid; afore-said; one fifth thereof In one year after such approval; one fifth thoreof In two years after suoh approyali one fifth , thereof In three years, after such np. provaljone fifth In four years aftor suoh approval, Kach and every Installment In-stallment of said tax, except the first draws Interest at the rate of six (0) per 1 eont per annum from date of levy until un-til delinquency, and each and every Installment of said tax draws Interest i at the rate of eight (8) per cent per ! annum from delinquency until paid; provided, any owner, agent or person Interested In any lot or parcel of land upon which the said tax Is levied may pay said tax or assessment, or any Installment In-stallment thereof, with interest, to the Olty Treasurer on the day any Installment Install-ment beoomcs due, and thereupon the ' Interest upon 1h amount so paid . ceases; provided further that If. tho . whole of said tax be paid on or before ; the data, upon wh'oh the l)rst Install, s men become due, then no Interest . shnl) be churned nr collected upon any , of the said tax. The rcspeotlvo Install , ments become due upon the sevoral due dates above given and no payment ) can 10 paid except upon due dates, and . In caio psyment be not so made the I Installment must go over until the ; next due date one year aftor, and draw , Interest at the rate of eight (8) per cent per annum as aforesaid. Payment 'of . the above tax must ' be made at the i oftloeof the City Treasurer, In tho Farmers' and' Merohants Hank, .West Center street, Provo City, Utah, See Olty Treasurorfor further particulars. par-ticulars. Kr.UAIlKTH OUOUI.KS, ! City Treasurer ami Special Tax Cob i lector, 1 First publication Nov. 10, 1008. . SUMMONS. In the district court of (he Fourth Judicial district, or the State' of Utah, sitting in and for Utah county. llalma I). Smith, plMntllT; vs. Allie M. Smith, defendant. The State or Utah to, the said defendant: defend-ant: ' You aro hcieby summoned to appear ap-pear within twenty days after the service ser-vice of this summons upon you If serv-j ed within the county , In which this I action Is brought, .otherwise, within thirty days after hervlec, and defend the above entitled nction, and in, case of your failure to do m, Judgment will bo rendered against you according to the demand or tho complaint (1) i which lnvi been lllcd with the clerk I or said court. This action is hrought 1 to recover a Judgment against you dls-' solving tho bonds or matrimony bei tweea yourxelf ami the said plaiiitHl', ( Coukm.VN & RvAU'M, , j Attorneys for Plaintltr Postuftlco address; Provo, U.'ah ! county, State of Utah, i I Date of first publication Nov. Si. 1 l Thanksgiving Dinner Whe Grier House MENU Fjesh Oyster Soup Chicken Salad Celery Orcen Peas Sweet Potatoes Roast Spring Tin key with Creamed Mashed Potatoes Dressing Plum Pudding HCranborry Sauce Brandy Sauce UoasHfrlmoIllbiof Hecf, AuJus Mtnoo Po 'Remember the Pierce THE HORN OF PLENTY I t pours i's most abundant and choicest offerings nut at tire tore, and ynu will rltid cvery-thli cvery-thli g ft r the im st elaborate Thankpiiivinir feast in all the dclloicics of the sns:on here. 1'liiui pudding, mliico meat, roiM s, currantf, cranberries and stt potatoes, (hat will make yutr table groan with good thingB without great ex-RALPH ex-RALPH ELLIOTT'S " Eat What You want of the food you need Kodol will digest it. r You need t sufficient amount of food wholesome food and more than this you neod to fully digest It. Kite you can't gain strength, nor cm you strong then your stomach If It is weak. You must tat In order to llvowd maintain strength. You must not diet, because the body requires that you eat a sufficient suffic-ient amount ot food regularly. nut this food must bo digested, and It must be digested thoroughly. When the stomach can't do It, you must take something that will help the stomach. The proper way to do Is to eat what you want, and let Kodol digest di-gest the food. Nothing else can do this. When the itomaoh Is weak It needs help; you must help it by giving It rest, and Kodol will do that- "BEN HUR" DECEMCER 12 AT SALT LAKE THEATRE For. the above occasion the Sjii Pedro wilf operete.a. one day excursion excur-sion from IJtaji county points to Salt Lake City, at, . tljo usual party rates. . - Special returning after the performance. per-formance. , , " ' i , i Lost Child'Kold' bracelet' en. graved K. E. S." Finder le ivu ut this ofll-e. 1 for fancy vests land furnishings go to The Toggery. Palace Drug Co. Prescriptions our specialty. Wo call for and deliver your prescription prescrip-tion to any jwrt of, the city, day or night. Young pigs for sale at Herman Kuudson'n farm. Jtell 80 Blk. Mrs. A. iv. Truman of Michigan will spend tho winter with lierj mother, Mrs. fc. Partridgo of ( 1 is t ily. O. II. Uerg went t"Santiipiin today to ulteuil thu funeral of Mrs. Carolina Arnisoii who died Sunday at the ago of 8Qyeir) from genml i dubility. The deceased loavta fond childcou, Qhe cumo to Utah in 18(J0, 1 Our Guarantee Qoto your druggist today, and purchase a dollar bottle, and If you can honestly say, that you did nut receive any benefits from It, after using the entire bottle, the druggist drug-gist will refund your money to you without question or delay. We will pay the druggist the price of the bottln purchased by you. This offer applies to tho large bottle only and to but one In a family. TVe could not afford to make such an offer, unless we positively knew what Kodol will do for you. It would bankrupt us. The dollar bottle contains 254 times as much as the fifty cent bottle. Kodol Is made at the laboratories of B. O. DoWttt it Co., Chicago. THANKSGIVING EXCURSIONS For Thanksgiving tho D. & It G, will sell round trip tickets between be-tween any two pints on its lines in Utah at rate of one single fare, minimum 25 cents. Selling dalcfl November 2f)th und 20th. (jood returning November 30th. F. Foutz, Agent. ! Thanksgiving j to iso8 : Emory Marring Dnnlnp, thst trei'surcr of holidtv lore, Iihs jlclilcd up a portion of hilt trove for readers of this 1 piper. Undur thiri (uiptinn lio 5 will tell yr.ii in tiie next ifguo Thankstrivini; tales that you never heard beforu. Thanksgiving Spirit, It's in the Air 0 The Tlmnksgivnur Pay ens- tnin is III 7 voHraold mid fnmi S present indications it will I ivu J 2 h lonK es America. Kvery J J true, rHl-bliMided Aiiicricjin w nnn, wi'iimn, boy and girl given tliantK 'i'o njcarliv ni halving tl ioidav. Ynu mtu it lerchttil in Timnkiv- 2 ii'K ttlis mid Uut in why thu J 1 paper will ivo i'B readers a tastu of holiday tradition. Olympic. Cafe 1 1 Thar.ksfliving Dinner From 12 to 8 o'clock s I f MENU Oj y Clnm Choudcr Soup Cream Mashed Potatoes. I I fiaked Turkey, with dress- French Peas 5 1 ing and Cranberry Sauce. Vegetable Salad i Stewed Chicken, with Celery J 1 Cream Sauce. English Pudding i M f Roast Leg of Pork, with Brandy Sauce M t Apple Sauce Mince and Pumkin Pie i ; We cater to Family Trede ; I Short Orders at all hours, B 1 j It's a big one! I L Get a poster and you v. I I jBfe bc Thankful. 1 I Watch Windows! I I I Iroiviiv by Pressure. I Ironing by pressure comes nearer accomplishing tlio work of the H hand latinderer than any other known mechanical melli'xl. The aim and effort of every up-to-date latinderer is to produce work H to equal, as nearly as possible, that produced by the nu st expert I hand liiunilerer, the idea being to produce n surface perfectly H Hinootli, without gloHs, and preserving as loir as pomible tiie I original finish of the goods, when new, I I Retain ClolK Finish. I I This requires nn operation with no friction or motion hv I prefgure the goods being ironed being under prassure until I I thomughly dried, thereby ireventing any Wear or stretching and tit 8 making it p"ssihle to shape a garment in such a manner us to give n it a churacteristio "new" appearance not obtainable by any otlier I Domestic Steam Laundry j I I "Stands for Cleanliness." 1 I 468 South Academy Ave. JAMES HOLMES, Prop. 1 I Lend and Walter I f BURTNER, Millardlcounty I I I ExceptionaLl Opportunity I I I JAMES F, DUNN Mgr. 1 I Bhe Provo Realty Co. COME IN AND TAKE A FIT I And we will take care of you. 1 GLOBE TAILORING CO. 139 North Academy Ave. - . Provo, Utah MARTIN NELSON, Mananer. , |