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Show FINDER OF RICHES IS PAUPER. Discoverer of Iron Mine Is BIJnd and Penniless. Ontonagon, Mich. Hllnd nnd penniless, penni-less, "Dick" Langford, an aged prospector, pros-pector, who says he discovered the big Colby mine, a (logeblc Iron range property prop-erty valuod In the millions, has become be-come a charge nt the Ontonagon county coun-ty poor farm, lie Is more than 80 years old. Longford was ono of tho first explorers ex-plorers In what Is now the Qogoblo district. In 1S72 or 1873, according to his story, ho found tho Colby. He was to have a ono-fourth Interest In It, hut says he wus cuchored out of It Horn In tho south of Ireland In June, 1S2C, Langford enmo to this country In 1847 and to upper Michigan flvo yoars later. Ho was never man rled, and practically his whole lite .has been spent In proapocting. For flvo years ho has been living In a little cabin at Lako Gogebic, supported by tho county and cared for by people In tho neighborhood. |