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Show Bj Notice to Contrncors Bj Ire city rounrll of 1'rovo rity here Bfljf by gives notice that ssld council will BY receive rented prni'ats for Urn con. BflJ structtnR of approximately eluhty-BflJ eluhty-BflJ , eight hundred (R.HOO) feet nf vir li BB9 1'rovo City, being Hewer DMrlct No. H' H, as created and cKtnljllslml by an or-Bfln or-Bfln dlnaare heretofore duly psmed, np- Hj proved and publlhed. Thesald wower Bflf hall t-e constructed of vitrified itp of the sixes desliniRted In the mhpIi1ph-BBS' mhpIi1ph-BBS' tlona unil In fioooribine Ihrrowlth, vhlch RKelflcntlnpx arc nn (lie In the ofllee nf the oily engineer of I'rovn City. B, Work of nld const rucl Ion h11 be rompletr not inter tbsutlie 1Mb day o' April, 1000, under tbe Kieclllentlon. rontrnct, )onil nnd pcnnlilcK provided by the city council for tbnt purpose. Bg' Full psyniMit for nil of tbe nlmttorx' proportion of the raid work shall 1m-K, 1m-K, iiindeln Kclal tnx wnrrrnts of the T city, pnynble til live or ten nnnunl In-stnllments, In-stnllments, nt tbe option of the city, BBJJ Issued under tbe prnvlxlons of Chapter BBa 16, Title 111, compiled laws of Utah, BBfl 1907, which the oontrnetor shall accept BBf nt not less than them pur or face value. BJ A certlflrd check for two hundred nnd HHL llfty (f !M) dollnrs ax an evidence of BJ' good fnlth, inuM nccompnny rncli bid. J wblc'i will be returned to tbe bidder Bj mn slgnlnK of oontrnet or refusnl of HaB. bid. All proposals mint lie fll with the BBJ city recorder nf Vrovo City, T'tnb. not J later tlmn 12 o'clock boon, of Mwidnv, H' tho notb day nf Nnvin'er. 1P08, nt the BBL hour of 7 p.m. Tbe city council bere- BB-' by reserves the right to reject any and K all bids. BB Further Information and copies of M Hpecilleatlnn, contract nnd IkuhI may Ikj hnd uion npnllcntlnn to tha city cnelneer, Vrovo City, Utah. BBjC Hy order of tlicclty council. Bj David Johnson, BBtt City Heeorder. BBK Dated Oct. 6, 1008. B- ' Probate Notice. In the District Court of the Fourth BBB Judicial District, Utah County, Utah. BBM' Probate Division BBS Estate of Lou U QnrfT, deceived, BB Notices BB The petition of Willlnm M. Drom- BBv ley praying for the Usunnec to himself BWf of lcttrrt of administration of snides- BB tato has been t-et for hearliiK at 10 BB" o'clock a. m., Saturday the KM day of BV; October, 1D08, nt the court house In Hf utr City' u,nl' cou"ty' stn,e r Kmas A. Gkk, Clerk. L ny Msa HorsTox, Bh Deputy Clerk. BBtit, O KANT V. llAOI.KV, BB Attorney for Petitioner, S Dated at Frovo.loh, Oct. 20, 1008. . Palace Drug Co. H, Carri tbe choicest wines, liquors BH brandiee. Tlwnksglving day BBR l aot complete without them. Call Hp UP lloiie; we will Oliver any HrafeT1 "i1 'y" ' MX lrt of DELINQVENT NOTICE. Vlra Mining Com)any, prlnolpal place of business Provo City, Utah. Notlcj: There ore delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of assessment of 1-4 cent per shore, levied on tho 11th day of Sept., 1908, thp several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders as follows: fol-lows: NO. NAME No, BHAnUB .A'llT. 1 Geo. A. Storm 35,000 87.G0 3 JohnFerre 25,000 02.50 4 Hoswoll Ferre 25,000 62.50 0 Jacob Evans 10,000 25.00 8 Iloswell Ferre 000 1.76 0 JohnFerro 500 1.25 10 Geo. A. Storrs 40 .10 11 W. S. Ferre 130 .33 12 Geo. A. Ferro 000 1.75 13 C. V. Cook 1,180 2.05 14 C.W.Cook 4,400 11.15 15 O. W. Cook 050 2.38 17 Geo A. Ferre 23,000 07.50 20 James Honnett 1,000 2.50 W..S. Futh 23,000 07.50 And in ai-cordonce with InW and in order nf the Ixiaril nfdireetors nude on thellthday of &pt.,lH08 o many jhan-s of eaph jmrrel ol stock us may bo nwvsiwiry will be ild at publiu miction at tho nfflw-if nfflw-if the secretary nt the Pnlnre Druir Co. Provo. Utah, on November 21). 1008, nt tho hour of 2 p. m. of said day to pay the delinquent assessment assess-ment together with the cost of advertising ad-vertising and the expense of gale. lHfcTPONEMENT OF RALK By order of the board of director the above delinquent sale has been postponed until tho 20th day of February, 1005). F. J. Hepquist, Secretary and Treasurer. First publication Nov. 3, 1008. NOTICE TO TREEPLANTERS I wish to announce to tlu so ol Utah county who intend to plain fruit trees, berries, etc., this enminp spring thnt G. A. Znbriskieuf biki View will bo in the field to takt your Jorders. I have been ii this business for Be vera I years in tin famous Palisade district of Gram Valley, Colorado, and represent tlx best nurseries of the (J. S. Mj peach and apple stocK ure from tin Star Nurseries of Ottawa, Kansas, and my cherry, berry, nnd othei shrubs are from the Francher Creel. Nurseries of California, Drop mt a card or phone mo for quotations, etc, J, W. I 'ann am, Sirinuville, Utah, jk'll phono 15tf-, WfHLIMWiKIWIIIli.nIMI'l i . I. Ill i I irnmi li Wif I -' et',u mi mf- I, ! To entn tain yotr friends while tlicy arovlsitIiiB In Provo by fnrnisliinjr you with fir-cjass llvcry - I outfits to tlrWc tlicmj?qund ,rjho city nnd adjoini 1 i ! In? districts, And don't forget to call for our .S i hacks to take them to the tfcot whCn'thcy ro- J turn home. ft-. . ... . ! PROBER! lR.lfSSiLL 1 i .u , . i. ' ' ' ' n . iiiiiw in mil hi i TrnrrwTi in i i kiiiib in n' nTnii "mi, i hirrmir -WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO- Sowthern California Now on. 'ti 1'alsUal tnns .'l,,lv; Uupx- I celled Dining Car service A f A Curte, Standard. and Tourist Sleepers. I For further information' ask ny Salt j Lake Route Bgent, or write J, H. Manderfieild, A.D.P.A., Stk.ll Lake City . . Vt&h 1 " -.y . . ., Q 4- ' Coats l ARE ALL THE RAGE-) , . k t ;..-' 7 9 Mi. We, have a .large 'stock "to" select from". S Si Mens all wool.OO'nnd up, 'Doys, 50 cents r 71 i and up. ' 1 ' , .'' S' , ' i - ,f' J - . -j ? .., '.' y JLlvlvlWI. 'wL ' " - ivl - Thomas, i . JRANf WW Current T!rrie-Tafcle i LKAVH I'ltOVO KOH KASX No. 0 for all iwlnts eaU n.m, 10 for Hanpeto points.. .,...!.... ;'.... l);lil i" " 8 for Tlnllo points..., i .y 6:m,L. t l f A for'oll points f , Wl LBAVBTPROVO FOK WI3T. , " 1 No.6 for west and north" ...J.'.1. J. l'i:46'a.m. ' !! Hor ,,..P?1,U west and north .krtr,:'..yrf ltfibip.m. " 0 for Bait t-ake and Oarteri; .- 4:25 " 3 for all points west and north ".'.lO'lfi' ' i m' ., I. I.KAVR PHOVO' FOll NORTH 'No. 122forHeber ......... 8:18 nlm.' 1 AltHIVH PIIOVII-KHOM NOKTI I No. 121 from Heber v. ft.S .... 8:48 p.m. , 'j 'The only lino to Oden ntttf'Drttiver wjllioiit chiuje. Free I reclining chair cars, through sloping and elegant diners on nil Ihrongh trains. ... I a K, Hoover, I..A. Benton, ' F. Foura I G. 1. fe T. A. . JA. P. D. Agent. iMMiwimwiiiiiiiii nil 1 1 rin mI." "' -' Sutton Market I Don't forget the Sutton Market f is the Place to huywhnt you EAT ; Bo til PiOriS !23N.jlhAc"M;iirniyAviinje' I i'ovo ... Vinh 1 fn iff'MM'"j,i"."".jjl.,l".i.i'" i''-': '-"-" -' - ' ' " ' ' ' 1 I " U bwmmmimwi IB IJIIIIHIIII lJIIUIUXtJIJIDMIHJMW I SI T H T -"- rV Need--A Home I i : . Y I IN ' PROVO . I VAe xran- selLyoM.one on any Iclnd of terms, j JiSmali ppyment doun'Low Interest U Xi f ' 'w;:m.:ra-V; & 00, I ,"' THE PR.OVO HQME IVUILPEH jl 57 NORTH ACAUtMf AVE. ' ' ' -JT Vl!" ' ' I A Tloe Scrulijny byjiisxl (liiitlst lll show 'trench-' emu's divides iilitl dflfeefs in youi1 teeth thnt Will resillt lt tuoir- loss. . unless you have them nttendjd, to( in time; MAn'ouuca of prevention, worth a pounijof, cure" is as truo in regard to. your teeth as to' your health oreyesiuht. Have yoiir teeth examined and lrpt In'good'CowH lion by n good 'dentist, rind you-; will preserve (hem through life, t Utah dental; : v ' - . . ASSESSMENT NOTICE. j j Lilly Mi'ning'-Compsny, prlpcipfil. j jilnce of. bqslrnvij Pro.vo citv, I Utah. .a, ' Noljce Is hprejby p,iv'en' tnal nf 11 meeting of the Iswrd ot directors of the Lilly 'Mining Company, holil on the 20th day'iif;,0(itober, ll)f)8, an jissifsment,. irtunber J, of ! one-half ifent cr .islrjro was,Jbvied on tlio capital stiM'k of the corporation . payoble before the 1st duy nf December, De-cember, 1 90S, to the secretary, Grunt C Tfngley, ut his oWee, X". 57 North .Acailenlv. Avenue, Provo city, Utab , Any Btopk upon which Ibn is-scssmVnt is-scssmVnt ''ni'iy" rcinitin unp.iid nn ihc lSfMjiy' of lywimber, l)0S. vill bo delinquent hii ! ndvett'sa I forsalunt public unction, and unless un-less payment is nuido beforf, will be sold 011 tho 3 1 liiy of Uhc.iOOS, nt 'J p; m'.j to pay tliu .(lcliii(unl jsstsinent;' tngether with 'Jthe costs k jtttdvPr'tisinii; and expenso of sale. !.., ' I" Guant C. Pahi.bv, . 1 . .. Stvrelarv. , , 1 , No. 67. N, 'Ac.i(leniy A ve. . , - .ro. j Provo, Utidii . fiated, Ootobdr.ai, 15108. -i . , . I' .j: r 1.... Assessment Notice. ,'" .if v.' ' . . . 1" That nig HUI .'Mining company, rrlrtnolpal. plnoe of .luu,luc,s, Prpvo, ,1'iuh. ..'''., ,JikiJoiicl" hereby given thnt at u mectlng'oflhe board of" directors of the fjlg nill' Mining oolnp.my', lield Tluusday, Nov. 6, lOoK, nn nessineut, (No. 11) of one-lirtlf (lS):ei'iit por s'lmre jta loVled on thoiOutHtniulingcaptUil stooknf said company, payaHle at tlio otlloQ of the secretary, (jivt,8now building, Provof Utah, on ar.lwVt-i Saturday, Jan. 2, 19oOv Any st K upon which this assessment inuy re-junln re-junln unpaid on said Jun. 2, lOoO, will be delinquent HKd advertised for sale tit publ!o'uuotlon,ahd ilnlbM pn,vnent J's made before will ho sold nt the olllco of the secretary on Tfuir'sdby.iVcb. 25, jlfloO, at 2 o'olook p. n. o"f sud day1, to piwiy the delinquent awesHincnt, toget.( her with the cost of advertising, nnd lexpcnkpftf sale. v j fe ' HAIIV.KYULIK gsccreVjiry the lllg Kill Mining Co. ( Olllco upntulrs at -inrrunee No. 41 K iL'enter street, I'royo, Utah, I l'lrst publlcatloNoy, 7, IO08. I ASSESSMENT NOTICE- -1 Elv Duck Creek Lend and Copper Jflnlng Company, principal place Tor biwineis, l'r()vo, Utah." t Notice Is hereby ftivpn that at a meeting 6f the' board of directors of the Kly Duck Creok Lead and Copper fMlnlng Company, heul on the nth day of Nqv.i 1008, an avessmcnt ..of one-tenpi of one cciil (1 c) ior slmrifViu levied nn tho outsii, djnj.r capital stock of the coriwmtlnn puv able Immediately to David West wood I Secretary, Postolllco lllock, 1'rovo, Utah, , v Any stock ubon whlcji this aiwess-, ment may rcihaln unpaid on tiatur-' tiatur-' day, Dec. l2th, 1008will lJo Jellnquent .and nivcrtuetl for slo at public iiuo-tlon, iiuo-tlon, and uplei, payment is made before, be-fore, will bc'soin onl Wclnesdav, Dee-ember Dee-ember flq, 11X13, at the hour nl'j i.in. of said day to pay the delinquent as- kcsxinent, togellicr with the'cosUuf advertising and expf iiko of xitlc. Daviii WkstwoOu, 1 r'eretary, . I'osWilllco llloek, 1'rovo, I tah. l'lrst publication, Nov. lo, UH8. 1 iiiiiisi 11 11 mini 1 ' ri 1 1 "' H Provo jOpera House I 3 Nljjhfs Commencing Tiuirsday, November 26. I Initial -Production of the Sensation ;oi I thcIAgc " I fllY HKItll FItANZ MOI..VAI1J -.'.. Tlie Mosf TalKed-Ot Ploy Ever Produced! " I Pressntwl in n rosterly Manner by Kit I H Mr. Willis A. Hall I and a Superb Supporting j 1 company. I , .,Mr. Hall will open with "LOVE and LUXURX'Tluir. night J I Prices 25, 50 and 75 cents I Some Lanndry Facts I i After a rnrcful fctndv of tlio oli!ootpn nmerwonle hnVo to ipni'- H. In? Oielr clnllips to the Inunilrv.wo ore now prpimred to announce .H tbnt we have ovpfcnmc all tl)Pe nbpotlnn. Tlrft, wchnvedone I nwpy with the old nirthcrls of Irundrylntr nnd hnvc Instnllcd nn op- B to.'otp. mnlprn plant, and Invito the publlo to call and see how B their clothes are treated. H New Machinery, New Methods I Wi hvp spent hunilrpil" of dnllnro fur the lafrt Improved ira- fl elilrery Our rpw -nnlilnr niprhlre ,lo not vcnr nnd tpirtlin B p'rtlii. Our new Irnnlnp-rr'nnlinp ,lop pnt rub hitt pfpp, Hip'p. B- fo'r dolnp nwpv with the wear nr,l pnr. beldps doln much liclter B work than ran le done at home or by the old time laundry. B Cost of Home Washing I Tlmcokfof n faml'y wn'hlnt? and Ircnlnor ,'onn nt home will M ainmint to nlmnt SI 7fi, nllnvlnir nne for tbn wnhprwcman's waires B end thp rcmaln'dnr for sonn. blnelnir, eonl, tlio vnlwr A'omnn'- din- B ner and the wpnr nf Hip Implement: bp.l(lp thp nnnovnneo and ll- B CPinfnrt. Therp Is nlfO dsnprrof the nhl'ilrcn cnntrnctlmr enld nn B ynV.li day w.hleh snmrtlme hrlde rn serious sleknesn noil a doctor B bill that would pay for the family washing for n wholo year. fl Provo Steam laundryljs-"fSS I fifoe Mipd-Cliffon MercaaiOCo. V ..L:, S, Kit a pret m-iny years wc bHvn held Iborcoord nsMload- J Himrlers f-r K.ili-.blH (inods nt niibt iice," nnd wn linv'o never J M ' IihcI h NKUSll JIXK of mercliundiee or KKTTKIt PfuOKS S - '.'Bi'te .ij than wp ,111 cive v" ju'st n.iw. Our clublnif utook 1im mure fl' I. fine stvles and fabri.H fltsii . vcr before. Wo nro m-ikinir h S fl,' a f spwiinl price of $22.00 on all our "Sturm, Tl4Ver it Co's " ' ' V y $23.00 suits. ? fl ? Our stock of Boys' Seliool suits ami flno suits for Sunday 'flf " U wearis vfrv coinolpfH nnd prices the lowest. For b its that C I J lioM iMrSIIAP.K, nnd Mini-a thlit WKAIt, buy llieni from fl i us. W Iiivh everything in- fiirnisliincs for men, women nnd fl) 'I i cbildren nt prices tbat are always fair. NJtroul'0 to show Koods. j 'M ' " V Wood-Clifton Mer. Go. : .16 and 28 West Center St. I -I " 1 ? B'' be ' ' I lot I l t Tha! Altcrnoon v,s!( K' I Blvi ,,IV' 1",,h v"" ""d wnir vi-.t.r JL ffViiC W'" l'e'l,'l,'il'"Mlr ,,t'li,i , v 1 the j ctifTco. ' iyb Provo Mea,i & Packing' Co- I 47 North Academy Avenue. : Both Phones 39-2 Fowo - . . utrtlt I iimiiniMim mn I, ;r rTT,,r . the i |