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Show A Strange Hairpin. "This," said tho bachelor, loading his visitors through the flat, "is my fnmoiu colloctlontjf hairpins." Tho hairpins, a hundred or more, filled a Louis Qulnzo cabinet. Somo wero of shell, somo of silver, somo oven of gold. "TIiIb U the strangest." said the bachelor, "this hollow glaSu ono. See, thero Is a fluid In It, a perfume. per-fume. And here Is a tiny hole, so that when tho pin lies obliquely In the hnlr the perfumo Is omitted slowly In dellcato drops. It Is a Japanese hairpin," hair-pin," ho concluded. "A geisha tu a Yokohama tea housa gave It to mo. I can still eo her, as sho sat on her cushion, playing tho sumlsen, while very slowly. In drops-resombllng tears, the perfume fell an her amber-colored cheek." |