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Show RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD" IS DISCUSSED DIS-CUSSED BY TWO BISHOPS Elders Booth and Mnnwarlng Explain Mormon Ideas of Resurrection "Mnn Is that he Might Itovo Joy" Usual Good Music. (Repotted by James A. Oliver) Bishop A. L. Booth discoursed upon the"Besurrectlon of the Dead" at the tabernaole last Sunday. Passages Pass-ages of scripture were referred to to substantiate the beautiful thoughts of the speaker as he portrayed this principle,, nnd yet one oorly understood under-stood by the majority of humanity. In foot it is only those who have received special revelations explaining explain-ing Its mystsrles. From the begin-ing begin-ing of the oreatlon of this world this principle has been taught to mankind man-kind affording muoh pleasure to the righteous, "Adam fell that msn might bs, and men aro that they might have Joy." "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall nil be mado alive." These and many other passages were quoted and then followed an explanation of the idea entertained by the different denominations; they think of tho universal resurrection nnd omit the idea that work will be necessary to bring about individual salvation, "Take up Thy Cross and Follow Me" was sung as a solo and quartette quar-tette by members of the choir. Bishop Manwarlng followed in the theme of "Ilcaurrection for the Dead," referring to the Book of Mormon for passages that throw light upon tho subject. Jesus is always al-ways admitted as tho first fruits of the resurrection. The speaker explained ex-plained to some length the mistake made by religious people that faith alone is all that la necessary to gain salvation. The universal idea that death came through the sin of one man, Adam, and that life through Jesus Christ and that everyone who believes on his nsme will be saved and resurrected, refers to the promise prom-ise that every one shall ue resurrected resurrect-ed no matter what their life may be, explained as tho universal law of the resurrection; the other part of the law refers to the individual phase. After the individual la united spirit and body the judgment is to be set and they will receive a reward for their works whether thoy have been good or evil. Some consideration of the knowledge we have gained or In possession of will Influence the reward or punishment. punish-ment. Attention was called to the priesthood meeting to bo held In the tabernacle next Sunday at 10 a. tn. and 2 p. m. The anthem, "Let the Mountains 8hout for Joy," waa sung by the choir, Benediction by Elder J. A.HoId-away. A.HoId-away. Cvuneelor J. Win. Knight presided pre-sided at the services. An excuse was offered for the ab-, sence of Prta. Keeler nndllolbrookj j they were holding dedicatory exercises exer-cises iu the Timpauogofl ward meeting meet-ing house. |