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Show QUE BUSINESS GUIpf W Directory for thoio wishing thi m. 8 flren of any of the following basinet I men nf Prove, ' B C. F. Decker H Co., I Fruit and Produce. ftm J. Deck. k (If Watches and Jewelry) John T. Taylor, I Groceries and Provisions I ' Walkins & Derek " Wp Architects. x 3.13 So. Academy Avenue, Provo. B C18 Dooly Iilock, Salt Take City. ' ... PROVO. D. D. HOVTZ fe ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW ..H. No.i. 1, 2 and 3 Fnrrcr Ulock Hg ' Provo City, Ufah :B ! KAIGHN a THURMAN K ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW iKi D. V. WALICF.ll IIOILDINO OB J SALT LAKE CITY j'U A-L., BOOTH IIAR.VEY CLUFP BJ BOOTH & CLUFF Kj ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW XW ROOMS S tmi I iWto GATES-SNOW BUILDING. Provo, Utah . B ' EGLESTON PROVO'S LEADING '.WS' SHOEMAKER S - 133 N. ACADEMY AVENUE J, PROVO COMMERCIAL Id j SAVINGS BANK. I Provo City, Umli. II Capital, 3 . $100,0004 ml DIREOT&R3: jB Reed Smoot President. j B ( O. E, Loose Vice-President, . I L. Holbrook, J. Wm. Knight, Roger Farrer, Geo. Taylor, sr, ;B I John R. Twelves. I JOS. T. FAR.R.ER., Ce.shler. I I General banking btislness transacted I I Safe deposit boxes for rent. I Do It Now See The Electric Co. And get tliem to figure on wiring your house for electric elec-tric lights. It is the only clean, safe nnd reliable method of lighting. Olfice, 95 N, Academy Avenue Doth Phones 37-2 Rln I ; J State Bank of Provo ! W II. Brercton, Pres., John Mnrwiok, Cashier, Alva Nelson, Asa't. Cashier. Interest Paid or Time Deposits. Drain on tJ! Parts of the World. Opposite the P. O. on i Academy Avenue, ; I 4- IF V0U HAVE A GOOD J |