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Show I WAR WITH ASPHALT I TRUST IS WAGED I BEFORE JUDGE I BOOTH- I Important Suit Being. Tried I Witnesses Galled From Many I Parts of Country Case is I Handled by Able Lawyers From Salt Lake and East, I An important suit is being fought I here before Judge Booth, in which I two big concerns 'are involved, the I trial ot which hen necessitated the I bringing to Utah witnesses from I various parts of the United States. H The esse in that of the Gilson I Afplialtuni company vs. tlio Ameri- I ran Asphalt association for an ne- I counting. I Stirling Barron of St, Louis, a I repressntative of the defendant com- I pany, arrived In Provo yesterday I where tlie suit will be fought out, ! The caee promises to be an iuterest- H ing and sensational one and will be H hard fought. The plaintiff is re- I presented by Atty. E. N. Allison, H while the defendant is represented I by Atty. Marion 0. Early of St. I Louis and Frank B. Stephens of I < Lake City. The present suit being prosecnt-I prosecnt-I el by the trust, is tJ force the H Atueriotn Applir.lt association to I turn over two-thirds of any profits H (o date which it may made in H operating on the claim mentioned, H and in the present rase witnesses H have been brought by the plalutifi H from New York, Chicago and, iu I fact, all partH of the United States. |