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Show "THE DEVIL" wiLL VISIT PROVO SATURDAY, Tho important thing- to' 'bo ro-memhercd ro-memhercd about tho new play, "The Devil," which is to bo pro-duccd pro-duccd for the first timo in Provo at the opera house next Saturday .H night, is tho fact that iu the story we have not only a play that will provoke discussion, but one that will support it. The material, to ,) be sure, Is old, old as man, older than man's writings, and infinitely older than man's writings, and in-finitely in-finitely older than man's oldest tjM play-acting, and it has bcon used in one form or anothor time with-out with-out number. Tho author has mado a devil we can understand and rc-spect. rc-spect. IIo is olite, urbane; he has travailed -yes, nud far hu ia fl brilliant iu speech, obliging, ho is 'M attractive, insinuating, fuscinatiug, He allitdcs.lightly I.) his coal bill ',H while nonchalantly flecks a speck of dust from his immactilato even-ing even-ing attire or perhaps a cinder, .M |