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Show Towering trjumpkestiy as Um moat. aaaaalTa.smuV pkfcsYeeque aa wlf sa-tfee taoet iaiprwfve draear tic spectacle la, tha history of taw world, "iW-Hitf" will aeck'Ww honors. t the-Salt LbIm -.ikaare; Salt Laktr Utah; on Thursday evening, DeMtubes 10, whaw. it will remain fog- three? nfrfcte..- lar additioD to the regular eveeing per formaueea, there : will be n epeUal matinee on Satarday, DeMmber'lS'. Of all the iftetacalar produo-tiwne produo-tiwne of modern, time, none-hss beea credited with so long sv rtttt of prosperity aa this, great asd popular popu-lar uraaaatla apfciacle. "Ba4Itu" ia today erowaed with- record of mora tkau 25(KX performMcee, io Amertca and 2Q0 usr Loadon, la a little over nine yeara, ami baa 'beea seen by more than seven million people. . Thejuccess of th play is credited to the religious sentiment that prevails in the theme, making jt particularly attractive to the non-theatregoer, non-theatregoer, who, as a rule, avoids J.he playhouse, owing to religious scruples. "Ben-IIuP' lias the eu doreement of the leading lights of the church world and has appealed to all theatregoers as the most pow-fa.1 pow-fa.1 -drama, k Wl)acc kad few peers and no superiors in' the art of presenting to to tliB.laiagery of scriptural scenes. In "Btn-Hur," his masterpiece, he gives the live, the color, the feeling, of the lime of Christ, With these be presents an intents heart story, a heroic drama, filled with the ten dereat emotions, tiaged with the romansa of love aud war, exalted by the evidence of Divine miracles performed by the Neurone. Each scent uufolds as a erfect picture, the whole blending in a living pageant. pag-eant. 'In' order to take care of out-of-town" patrons for "Ben-llur" tliu management of the Silt Lake theatre thea-tre will fill. mid orders in accordance accord-ance 'with' date of their receipt, when accompanied by remittance. Tha'eca'le of prices will range from 50 cents to f 2.00. Seats will go toflwle Monday, December 7, |