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Show II ENQUIRER'S BAD In the I). Y. U. notes published in last Satur-I Satur-I BLUNDER, day's Enquirer the following appears: "Prof. I N. L. Nelson will give an Interpretation of Peer I 0'nt tlio famous play by the Danish author, Henry Gibson," Chli It be that tho learned writer of these notes 1ms novor boforo heard of Honrik Ibsen, the Norwegian dramatist and lyrlo ioet? How oomes it that the brainy proof render on tho Enquirer staff would allow such a f blunder to appear? Will tho Innrrent typesetters be blamed for this unnecessary error? One would thlnlc that notes coming from the heart , of an Institution of learning would bo moro carefully edited, f In this same issue the Enquirer in Hpeaking of the now library Bays: '! "The furniture ami fixtures nro on the way." 'When that article was written the furniture and fixtures fir tho library ware in tho library building and had been for two' or throe days, "Wo mention tlito to show ' u he enterprise of the Enquirer's reporting staff, |