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Show CIRCLES ABOUT THE EYES.' Rest and Attention to General Health Is Necessary. Muny people, brunettes cspeclnjly. nro troubled with dark circles under the eyes. Generally these circles occur oc-cur ob tho result of overfatigue pr some Internal disorder. . Thoso who are troubled In this way should avoid excesses of alt kinds. Often tho liver Is nt fault. A dosu of rochello salts or Carlsbad snlts, a teaspoonful In a glnss of water beforo breakfast, wilt bo beneficial to the general health, besides be-sides doing awny with tho dnrk circles. cir-cles. Mnssago will give tono to tho skin. Slightly smooth tho skin, whllo exerting exert-ing gentle pressuro with tho forefinger and m Id dlo flngeV'of each hand applied ap-plied to tho corresponding eye. Also rub with a . circular movement tho wrinkles nnd crows' feet thnt come nt the corner of the eyes. A few of these movements night and morning, when tho face ts being washed, will greatly help such conditions. , |