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Show I SCHOOL FOR MINERS I ( EXPERTS ADVOCATE TRAINING FOR MEN WHO USE EXPLOSIVES, Foreign Engineers Recommend Meth-P Meth-P ods for Obviating Loss of Life In American Coal Shafts. Washington. After taurine tho en tire country and vIsltliiK all the milling mill-ing territory Including that adjacent to Si. Louis In Missouri unci Illinois, t r (ttire mining exports, Capt. Arthur l ' c Deaborough of Hngland, Victor Wat r teyne of Heiglum, and Carl Molssuor I . of Oermsny, who came to this country air week ngo at the Invitation of tho ' " United Stales government to assist K ; the 'Federal authorities In Inaugurating L a movement looking toward a red tic- t tlon of the number of dentin in Amerl- W n mines, have presented their re ft port to Secretary Garllcld of tho In terior department. The report waa at onco transmitted to President Uoosovolt, who regards it hi o( th highest Importance. Ho has K ordered It printed at onco for circula tion among minors. It recommends tho greatest care In selecting and handling explosives; tbathi system of electric shot-firing bo adopted In all mines where practica ble. This firing Is to be done at a time when all tho workmen aro out of the mine. A government Inspection Is urged In the following terms: "We recommend that tho govern-wt govern-wt 'of tbe'Unlted States examine the Hh explosives now and hereattor used In Hl i mining, with a flow to eliminating tho Bttt more dangerous explosives and to Itn- BJ proving and standardizing such as may be considered most suitable for such, use, theso o ho designated by i" the government 'permissible qxntos. Ives.1" I Other Important recommendations ., are; f ' "We rocommcud that the operators and minors of coal usa only such ex-plosives ex-plosives as aro Included In a list of "permleslblo oxploMveu' wheu tho Bmo has been published by tho government gov-ernment In all mines where Uiero U risk of igniting either dust or gas, selecting se-lecting that ono which their own ex-i ex-i perlencii Indicates can bo used to tho i- best advantngo under loqv) condt- tlous, , "All explosives should bo niado Into cartridges and placed In closed vocop-, vocop-, i laclea before being carried Into the n mine. Tho quantity carried Into tho 1 1 mluo during ono day by any miner ( Should bo limited to tho quantity need ed by him for use during tho day. "Detonators or caps should bo : handled with great caro and should ;,n be carried only by responsible per- sons. I "Shooting In or off the solid should not bo practiced. The use of very p deep shot boles should ho avoided ns E unnecessarily dangorous. E "lu all coal mines whero explosives I . are used It Is desirable, and In nil mines containing gas It ) highly Im- tS port ant, that tho dust ou the wall, tlm- Ki hers and floors of tho working places $' Hd rond ways should ho kept coiuluu- K nlly wot prior to and during the work e In the mine, I ii "In any mine whoro as muoh us E two pur cent, of gas can be detecled I by suitable method's, only locked safe lr ty lamr of an improved type should jj -Ix?,!)-) PO long as such condition ex-I ex-I lata or' is likely to recur. "No llvo clectrlo wlro should bo permitted per-mitted In that part of nny mine In which gn Is found to the nmount of two por cont. "In all mines producing gas In dangorous quantities, as Indicated by a safoty amp, which will detect two per cent, of gun, tho working places should bo examined for gas by a qualified quali-fied man. using such n, lamp Immediately Immedi-ately beforo any electric machine Is taken or operated there. "In nil now mines, and In all old mines suitable main roads should bo provided for the mon separate from tho main hautago roads, "The stato cannot exorcise too much caro concerning the experience, technical tech-nical training and selection of Its inspectors. in-spectors. Tholr positions should bo mado independent of all considerations other than thut of efficiency; and tholr continuance In .the service should be co-oxtenslvo with good bohnvlor and proper discharge of official duty. "We are of tho opinion that the cause of both safety mid efficiency In coal mining In the United States would bo groatly aided through tho establishment es-tablishment and maintenance In the different local regions of special schools for tho training of 11 ro bossos, mlno toromon, superintendent!, and Inspectors." |