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Show IN MIXTURE OF TWO COLORS. Clever Idea That Is Made Use of for 'the New Trimmings. Ono of tho new trimmings Is the uso of black cloth cut In wide, bold designs, applied to colored cloth. ThU la qulto effective for street suits and also for soft finished Indoor gowns. Droadcloth ts used for tho embroidery. embroid-ery. A pattern Is first cut from paper, pa-per, basted on cloth and then cut out with sharp, Bmali, well-pointed scissors. scis-sors. There Is no hem. The cloth Is applied ap-plied with a raw edge,--but as this Is done now with bands and folds and rovers, It does not look Inconsistent with neatness. . Tho sewing of this embroidery to the foundation cloth Is a work of art, and no matter how well It Is dono, a hot Iron Is needed for tho finishing touch. Certain dressmakers paato on thin embroidery. They find tho offee' smoother and tho work less trouble. This kind of trimming has been pan tlculnrly well carried out on a gown of whlto meteor cropo In which tho cut-out embroidery Is of palo violet cloth. This la used to stimulate a tunic on skirt and - for bands ncross and around bodice. It 1b n daring method and must be well done If dono at all. |