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Show BIDS WANTED. The Bullock Mining company want bids to sink the second hundred hun-dred feet of double compartment and manway shaft in porphry near Silver City, Tintic. Company furnish fur-nish new gasoline hoist, timbers already al-ready framed, blacksmith and mining min-ing tools. Contractors furnish gasoline, gas-oline, powder, fuse, caps, oil, coal and water. Bids must be in by 12 o'clock, noon, December 7, 1908. Address, Bullock Miuiug Co., Provo, Utah, MSSieMMISHM'HS MW CAMPAIGN FUNDS; S Aooordinf Act the reports 2 which Wave -been filed by the $ respective prty,;tbe.Bepublf-' f m ean party had, 11,035,373.60 j J more rnoaoy to. ie ued in for'-" campaign jiarposefl than- the Democrats. , The following 2 2 are the amounts reported: X 2 "Chicago, III., Nov. 23, 1908 2 "To the Democratic national Z 2 committee: i 'fGentlemthThe follow. injlsa statement of all tha-S receipts and ezpeudituros: 2 Total amount of money re- 2 2 eeived by the Democratic sa 2 2 tional committM for the year ' 1 1W08, $620,li4.77. '"Total stuouatj; disbursed, Sf$0I0;4f0.0'0.' 5 2 - "Balaace oh liaadr 91,234 2 2 -77. - 5- 2 2 "The'aUditor'a report ccn ' firming'tlie above iaiattaehed thereto; ' J "Yd'urareepectfully, 2 " Noitui, E. Mack, ' , Chairmaa. s .: I t Albany,,"N. Y.,Jfov. 23.- 2 George. J5. Sheldon, tr surer 2 2 of the llepublScaa national 3 2 committee, today ,$d the list 2 2 of contribuliens. for.the roceat ' J national campaign It shows 'J J 12,33? con triba tors -maay of i'theu covering a8umberot 'lsiir contnhutioes. a The total 2 2 amount ooatributed was j G55,518.27r; SOUTH MOUNTAIN LAKE CO. INCORPORATED Intorjwratlon papers of the South Mountain Lake Extension Mining company will be filed with the secretary of state. The oflicers and directors of the company are: John II. Wootoit, president; Thos. Pisrpout, vice-president; J. II. Ilurd, treasurer; J. 0, Myers, secretary and Alex Hedquist. It will be a 1,000,000 sharo company, at a par valqe of 6c. t |