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Show I' " CUNNING "BUYS 'ANOTHER' ' SPLENDID ILLUSION "(funning," the magician, re-reived re-reived yesterday a beautiful new illusion il-lusion wliiih will form one of the jstmmrest featurts of his already plensing program. The price paid hr "Cunning" for this new acquisition acquisi-tion to his performance was tlx Iiu nil red dollar and is pronounced hytlu&o who know, to be one of the nmst beautiful und mysterious ever exhibited. It is the only one f 'us kind in existence and formerly former-ly belonged to one of tho world's greatest performers who died shortly short-ly after completing it. The apparatus appar-atus has been carefully guarded and tared for by tho wife of the dead conjurer, and It was only after a great ileal of persuasion upon the part of "Cunning (who was a cloe friend and admirer of her dead husband) that she decidod to p-irt with it, and then exacted a solemn pnunife from the present owner, that, rhould evar he decide to part with it tliathe should give her the fit opK)rtunily to repurchase it. Mr. Cunning is greatly pleased with hii investment and will present pre-sent it as the feature act of h's perform per-form ince during his coming season on tho road. |