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Show Late Society Doings Professor K. II, Kastmond en. Urtalned at the D. Y. U. Art Studio Saturday evening In honor of Miss Bertie Walsh. Mauy interesting in-teresting gamee were played and in the drawing contest, Mrs. Mil ford McAllister carried oil the prise. Aboat twenty guests were present. Mise My Thurman has returned to Salt Iftkt where she has been visiting, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Farrer autertaintd at dinner Saturday evening even-ing In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ueo. Howe. Covers were laid for eight. Miss Mlna Taylor has returned from Salt Ike City, where she his spent the past week. Fred Myers of Evanaton, Wyo,, Is spending this week in Provo. Milton Thomas has returned from Idaho. Mrs. T. J. Jones entertained Monday Mon-day atteraooon at a Kensington in honor of her guest Mrs. P. 11 McUuire ot Ogdeu. The colors, yellow anal white, were carried out effectively with flowers and crepe paper In decorating the rooms. . Bert Millar of American Pork spent Monday in Provo. Mrs. " Thomas Pierpon. has returned re-turned from a visit in Salt Lake CHy.7 |