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Show CANADIAN PREMIER TO REMAIN Sir Wilfrid Laurler. who will remain In oirtce as prime minister f Canada Can-ada by the triumph of his party In tho recent elections to tho dominion parliament, parlia-ment, Is n liberal ami has been premier slnco 189C. Ho Is tho fir t vrench Canadian to hold that post and Is a Roman Catholic. Sir Wilfrid wsi burn In tho province of Quebec In 1811. and was educated nt L'Assompt'n college ml McOlll university. As n lawyer ho practiced sovcral years, and In 1871 entered parliament. He was knighted In 1897. 8lr Wilfrid has announced In his campaign speeches that ho wishes to remain In ofllco only ono more term, In order to finish tho work ho has undertaken, chiefly of railroad construction. con-struction. - |