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Show Ifadip Gate and Tlpar Creek I :J CiOiAiL J II for stile tvl I " IJutQtK Timber Co. - iM jlh North and Second W &lrctl, Provo J I tfOTll PHONES. J. W, DUNN, Mgr. of Yard. j lr!CW?CKERS ATTENTION!! I'H M.fotfrtthHt fit I.lHleCrr.(l,Orun(l( mintvhe I Am , , ukrmelon which weighed 84 pounds. Kwsr since 3 ?B i ,r - i ) i mi dudlrg In riqloiisl-ie ri 8nd tli e, reliable I ,M t "-jwlal-riitrd to OwniUprdM mrnunfl riwrtckem. a iBfjhBrp 1 Ivery & Feed taiolca 1 BV .,t I'lionw West Center Street, rroo, rth. I . I 5 Provo Foundry & Machine E ( 5 thos, r. ruRroNT. manager 1 1 Self Oll!r.t Mininrf Ca.rs. Mine Caes. 1 Engine and Boiler RepeJrs, Iron &nd Brass Castings, Etc. .'. J J West Center, Provo, UtoH i . ... g ? Eureka Feed Store ) ? Win. A. McCuIIough, Manager, ? I l. ''nrrlin the famous Dry Land Wheat Flour from the Nf phi Mill A ' Manufacturing Co. Also hay and alt kind of feed stufnt. f 425 W. Center - - Provo, Utah J BOTH PHONES 1 ft- ' ; Provo Realty Co, : l JAMES F. DUNN, Manager. lEg, Both Phones. : : : 32 West Center . s VUE HAVE OPENED OUR WINTER, CAMPAIGN I 9 In doing so we wish to call your special attention to our large line of Mens' and Childrens' Clothing .g Which must be sold at once. We've JjilJo HBVLJUe (M. mere is i lis v Bills Ml s Our irrmense Holiday stock is jirrivinp now end wc must have the room Spc windows for Special Sales from now on. 2 'WE SELL NEARLY EVERYTHING" BOTTS 10c STORE I - low CoIda; -JIt''' ' Tits uniform nuchas the W&nded e ue of remedy in the cure of bad colds has made it one of th most iippufer memciflc.- m uie. It can always bo depended upon to effect a qt ick cur and is pleasant to lake. It contains no opium o? other narcotic, M,a-ny Lo given ao confidently to a child as to an adult. Price 25 cents. Large size 50 cents. -' 1 1 IH Hf Hi I W 'I I ITTTI " I " I r f"" j CO ALi - COAL! I j Castle Gate, Clear Creek, R.. Rock Springs I Uet it now while you en." Wo have plenty, Telephone 17 I Smoot 61 Fa2 J H 1 "'III 1 1 III III III III lJUUAX'JHUJtlU'CTUUWl ILlU""ll,t .. . - I Teeth amTeeFstore I I Hay. Grain, Floor and Good Timothy I Baile' Hay I 8 Bo": Phor.e 413 W.C r.. I ft ' DEMOCRAT" AD FOR RESULTS -TRY IT j ASSESSMENT NO. I. Brookland Mining Company, principal prin-cipal plnce of business, Provo, Utah. Notice Ih hereby given that at n meeting of the Isiardof dlrcctoM of the llrookland Mining Company, held on Saturday, October at, 1908, an assessment of one-tenth of one cent (.1 c) per share wan levied on the outstanding out-standing capital ttoek of the corporation corpora-tion paynlde imrimlliitply to J. C. 'A nderi.cn, eerftary, ill. N. Academy Ave., l'rovo, I'tali. Any stock ujMin which thin asxeas-inont asxeas-inont mnv remain uoimid on Thuntday, Uce. ,1, 10(18, will be delinquent and adverlUed for hiiIc al public auction, and unloHH payment In made before, will be hold on Saturday, December ; 0, 1003, at the hour of 2 p. in. of said day to pay the delinquent axunsmcnt( i together vlth the oostH ofadvertUlng ' and oiponse of Kale. ' J. !. Andhhhkn, Becretary. ! 1A X. Academy Ave., l'rovo, Utah. J riibt iriiblnotlon, Kov. 8, lWt. DELINQUENT NOTICE Uintah Treasure Hill Coalition Mining Company, principal place of business, busi-ness, Provo City, Utah. Kotick There are delinquent upon tho following desorlbed stock on account ac-count of assessment No. 1, of one cent per share levied on the 80th day of September, 1003, the several amounts sot opposite the names of tho respective respect-ive shurchoUlent, an follows: SO. KAMI! BHAItES AMOUNT 11 Davis, Hhort & 1 Hot Co 200 2.00 M J A Pollock A Co 600 fi.00 . ilt Thos Ii Allen COO 6.00 lt J 11 Allen 1,000 10.00 iEtO 15 W Kelly 160 7.60 231 Fred h Peterson 100 1.00 414 I.couldas Fisher 100 1.00 6W Jame 0 Olanvlllo 100 1.00 62t J4usnn Glanvllle 100 1.00 015 lt.J. Evn l.ooo 10.00 (123 li II Curtis 160 1.60 (138 Miss Busle Funning 1R4 1.H4 12H II 13 Hyde 60 .60 729 Mrs. Ella M. Hyde GO .50 740 G L Whitney 1,000 10.00 752 Thos W Hell l.Ooo lo.oo 7)3 Knight Mnngutn Whitney Co. 1,000 10-00 782 Andrew 1). Nel- . eon i 25 .2fi 787 Jay Bell; 100 1.00 828 Miffl Martha M. , Kaatz j 400 4.00 871 L. D. Kinp 100 1.00 872 H. Jlgar King 100 1.00 ; 879 LMwardis'evere 335 3.35 . 898 Knight, Maugum Whitney Co fiOO 5.00 . 800 Knight, Mnngum Whitney Co 500 5.00 003 Mr Hattie W Clement 200 2.00 1073 Fisher, rftrufctee for Pat Clark (UintahTreaRurellill Mining Co certificate No. 00) COO 5.00 1074 E 8 Fisher, ! trustee for SWPlatl (UintahTreasurelllll Mining Co certificate No. 82) 1000 IO.00 lo7G ES Fisher, trustee for Frank Lake (Uintah Treasure Treas-ure Hill Mining co.) certificate No. 80 745 7.45 lo7 E S Fisher, trustee for W M O'Brien (Uintah Treasure Hill Mining Min-ing co) certificate No. I08 5oo 5.00 lo78 E S Fisher, trustee for W M O'Brien (Uintah Treasure Ilill Mining Min-ing 00) certificate No ( 118 Coo Coo lo70 W S Fisher, trtisteu for W M O'llrieu (Uintah Treasure Hill Mining Min-ing co) certificate No 111) 5w C.ou 0 mm 1"! Hi 'I s mft iH y.w im 11 1 if im. 1 n 11 11 1080 E S Figher trustee for W M O'nrjpn (Uintah Treasure Hill Min. ing co). certificate No 12o fioo 5.00 1081 E S Fisher, trustee for W M O'llrlcn (Uiutah Trefliure Hill Min. Ing 00) certificate No 191 Boo 5.00 1082 E S Fisher, trustee for W M O'Brien (Uintah Treasure Hill Mining Min-ing 00) certificate No 129 5oo 5.00 1083 E S Fisher, truUeo for W M O'Brien (Uintah Treasure Hill Mining Min-ing co) certificate No 123 floo 5.00 1084 E S Fisher, trustee- for W M O'Brien (Ulntnb Treasure Hill Mlu-Ing Mlu-Ing co) certificate No 124 Coo Coo Xo85 E 8 Fisher, trusteo for W M O'Brien (Uintah Treasure Hill Mining Min-ing co certificate No 125) Coo 5.00 lo87 E 8 Fisher, trustee for W M O'Brien (Uintah Treasure Hill Mining Min-ing co certificate No 131) Coo 5.00 I loOoES Fisher, trustee for W M O'Brien (Uintah Treasure Hill Mining Min-ing 00 certificate No 152) 1,000 lo.oo' loOl E 8 Fisher, trustee for W M O'Brien (Uintah Treasure Hill Milling Mill-ing 00 certificate No 154 l00o lo.oo lo92 K S Fisher, trustee for W M O'Brien (Uintah Treasure Hill Mlu-Inir Mlu-Inir 00 certificate No 160 l,ooo lo.oo lo03 E 8 Fisher, trustee for Frank Andrew (Uintah .treasure Hill Mining Min-ing co certificate No 211 Coo 5.oo loOl E 8 Fisher, trustee for I) Moore Lindsay (Uintah Treasure Hill Mining Min-ing co certificate No 212 loo l.oo lo95 E 8 Fisher, trustee for E 8 Fisher (Uintah Treasure Hill Mining Min-ing co certificate no 226 3 00 3.00 jllo2 ES Fisher, trustee for Douglas Allen(Uintah Tr ens-Hill ens-Hill Mining 00 certificate cer-tificate no 527 25o 2.5o llo3 E 8 Fisher, trustee for W. H. Miller (Uintah Treasure Hill Min ing co certificate no 574 loo J.00 llo9 E 8 Fisher, trustee for Joshua Cossey (Uintah Treasure Hill Mining Min-ing 00 certificate no 005) 5o .5o 1112 E 8 Fisher, trustee for W M O'Brien (Uintah Treasure Hill Min- ' ing 00 certificate no 074) loo l.oo 1113 E 8 Fisher, trustee for "W M O'Brien (Uintah Treasure Hill Mining Min-ing co certificate no 083) loo l.oo 1114 ES Fisher, trustee for Fit Davis (IJintahTrcaaureHill Mining co certificate No 737) 5oo 5.oo 1115 E 8 Fisher, trustee for J II Detn-ing Detn-ing (Uintah Treasure Hill Mining co certificate cer-tificate No 702) '2oo 2.oo 112o E 8 Fisher, trustee for W M O' Brieu (Uintah Treasure Hill Mining Min-ing co certificate No. 793 loo l.oo j And in accordance with law and 1 an order of the board of directors made on the 3oth day of September, 19o8, so many sliaren of each parcel of stock ob may be ueregMiry will be sold at public auction at the of fice of the company,ltoom 7,Knlglit block, Provo City, Utah, ou Friday, Fri-day, Novemler 2oth, IO08, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p, m. to jwy the delinquent assessment together with the cost of advertising and tho expense ex-pense ot sale. POSTPONEMENT OF SALE. By order of the board of directors direct-ors nindo on the 10th day of November, No-vember, 1008, tho nbovo delinquent sale was postponed until Stturday, December 5, 1008, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the ofllco of tho company. It. E. Am.kn, Secretary. Office Boom 7, Knight Block, Provo City, Utah, Pelinqucnt Notice. American Fork Canyon Concoll-dnted Concoll-dnted Mining Co., principal plnce nf business, Provo Cltv, Utah. NOTICE There are delinquent upon the following described stock on account of assessment No. 1, of 0110 tenth of one cent per share, levied on tho Kith day of September, Septem-ber, 1008, the sovcrnl amounts set opposite tho names of tho respective shareholder?, as follows: NO. JfAMl! SHARKS AXl'T. 10 Bobert Anderson 11,000 ?ll.oo 23 John Bestel- meycr 1,000 l.oo 20 W II Greenwood 4, 000 4.00 31 Koht. Anderson C,ooo Coo 41 II T Adnmson l,ooo l.oo 42 Peb'r Adnmson jr l.noo l.oo 45 Louis Birk 8lo 81 40 Enrl TTupgnrd l,ooo l.oo 47 C N Moore l,ooo l.oo 76 Louis Birk 2oo ,2o 80 W II Pool C.ooo Coo 01 HT Adnmson 42o .42 04 W B Passcv S.ooo 5.oo And In ncoordanco with law, nnd nn order of the Imnnl of directors mndo on the 10th day of September 1008, so ninny shares of each parcel of Btock its mnv bo neccssnrv will bo sold nt public auction at tbn office of-fice of the company, No. 24 North Academy Ave., l'rovo, Utah, on i Wednesday, November 25, 1008, nt tho hour of 2 o'clock p, in., to pnv tho delinquent assessment together to-gether with the cost of advertising nnd oxpenso nf sale. J. C. ANDRltSKN, Secretary Office, 24 North Academy Ave, Provo, Utah, First publication, Nov. 10, 1008. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. lllnok Jack Consolidated Mining company. Principal place of business Provo, Utah. Notice U hereby given that at a meeting of the Ixmrd of director of the lllnok Jnok Consolidated Mining company, held ou the 10th day of November, 100S, an assessment (No. 0) of one (1) cent per sharo was levied on the outstanding capital stock of tho corporation, payable Immediately to n. K. Allen, secretary, room 7, Knight block, Provo City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain re-main unpaid on Tuesday, December 16; 1D0H, will Iks delinquent nnd advertised ad-vertised for sale nt public miction, and unless payment Is mndo before, will Ih) sold on Wednesday, Januiiry (1,100!), at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day to pny the delinquent assessment together with tho cost of advertising and expense of sale. U.K. A1.1.KK, Bcerelnry, Olllco room 7, Knight block, Provo, Utah. Date of first publication .ov. 12, 1008. . NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that tho assessment as-sessment of the tax levied by tho city council of Provo City, Utah, by on ordinance or-dinance pnssed on tho 17th day of No-vombcr,10O8, No-vombcr,10O8, and approved on the 18th day of November, aforesaid, upon tho property embraced In Curbing nnd Guttering District No. 1, Provo City, Utah, and described as follows, Is com-plcled: com-plcled: Fronting on Center Street: Lots 1, 2, !1 and 4, block 2, plat JI; I lots 1, and 2, block H7i lots 1,2, Sand 4, block 08! lots 1 and 2, block 09; lots 1,2,0 and 4, block 70, and lots 1 and 2, block 71, plat A. Fronting on Academy Avenue: I)lH 4 and 6, block 2S, and lots 2,0, 4 and A, block 20, plat It: lots 1, fl, 7 and 8, block 07, and lots 1 and 8, block 88, plat A. Fronting on First West Street: liOts 2, a, 4 and fl, block 07, and lots 1 ami H, block 08, pint A. That the Ixmrd of equilllnitlon and rc lew, appointed by tho city council of Provo city, Utah, for that purpose will meet at the olllee of tho city recorder In tho county court house, Provo city, Utah, on Tuesday, the 1st day of December, 1108, and continue In sotwlon until and including Saturday, tho 6th day of DeuemlKT, 1008, Ixiiwccn the hours of 10 n. m. and HiliOn. in. of said days, and will then and there hear and consider con-sider any objections mid make correction correc-tion of any tax whlch 'thc said board : may deem unequal or unjust. I That during tho umo aforesaid 1hj-t 1hj-t tween the hours of 0 a. 111. and 6 p. 111. the assessment Usts aforesaid will be I open to public inspection ut theollleO j of the city recorder aforesaid. ! Hy order of.tW ity council of Provo ;clty. ; David Johnson, ! : City ltecorder, MabllcntloutHOV. 10111,1008. DELINQUENT NOTICE. W Grand La 8nl Mining tudnTpnnv, 1 principal plnce of biisitiefs Provo '111 City, Utah. . j Notice There are delinquent S1 upon tho following described ntock, on account of assessment "No. Mm 2 of 1-4 cent per shnreevted on jl tho 2Gth day of enpteinborhP, 41 the several amounts' set opito 1 the nnmea of the respective share- il holders ns follows: r il NO. NA.Mr. SliATtnfl A't J I 3 Jacob Evans 15,000 $ ofcO il GPhilCrout 0,000 22.50 I 7 Chns. WilllnniR 1,000 2(50 JI 8B..T,Thnmpson1 0,000 . 2!j.Q0 ll lOMosInh Evans 10,000 25.00 1.3 T. V. PIrrpont 5.000 12.50 ;l 15 E. VnnWnironcn5.000 12-50 M 21 S. It. Thurman 1,000 2.50 I 24 Thos. Osborne 1,000 -2.50 .1 20 E.YnnWngonenl 0,000' 25-00 I 31 i 1,000 2.50. 39 1,000. 2.20 I 40 1,000 2.50 -m 48 AboUouscn 1,000 , 2.50 jm 49 C GoMbernnsonl.000 2.50 3&M 53 JFVnnWngoncn1,000 "2-50 M 55 D. IT. Boberls 3.000 ' 7.50 M 58' 00,000 150 00-- M 00 FW.Otlerstrnm 2,000 5.00 l 01 Abo Hansen 1,000 2.50 02 Olnf Anderson 1.000 2-50 M 04 S. IT. Buckley 4,000 10-00 ' 05 JFVnnWnironenl.OOO 2.50 00 Howard Baker 5.000 12 50 4M 07 Jcsso Beeslcy 35,000 87-50 71 Geo. M. Smoot 5.000. 12.50 ifl 70 'Unlit. Anderson 2,000 5.00 82 D. IT. Boberls 2,000 5.00 83.TFVnnWngonenl0000 50.00 85 " " 1,500 3.75 80 " ' 1,000 2.50 fl 87 " " 1,000 2.50 88 ' 1,000. .2.50 ' 80 " 1,000 . 2.50 fl 90 " 1,000 ' 2.50 fl 91 " 1,000 2-50 92 " 1,000 2 50 93 J. W. Beesloy 13.000 32 50 34 Jacob Evans 37,500 03.7.1 fl And In nncordnnro with law and mlAm nn order of tho board of director vmU mndo on tho 2G(h day of 8op, 1908, eo ninny shares of each pnr- m eel of stock ns mny bo necessary "lm will be sold nt piiblin niiclion nt tho jM olllco of tho company 52 Wr. Center street, Provo, Utnb, on Wednesday Nov. 25, 1908, nt Hie hnur.of 2 p. fl m. of said day to pay the dcliu- "m qiicnt PSMWincnt ((lpcllicr with tint cost nf ml vertising and the cxpenso of Mile, fl F. Baoiiman, ,H Secretary. Date of first publication Nov. 5, ,L 1908. DoWltt's Kidney nnd Illadder PJIIk fjl are unrqualed In cases nf weak back, 'H bnck aclie, Inflammation tho blad-tier, blad-tier, rheumatic pains, and all urinary imm disorders. They are antlscptlo nnd act promptly. Kvcry enso of kidney or bladder trouble should ho attended to nt once, and the nches In tho hack, -Mmi rhcumntlo pains, urinary disorders, 'fl etc,, aro warning signs. Don't delay, lfl for delays aro dangerous. Oct DoWltt's 'fl Kidney and llladder Pills. Itegular sl7.c 60c. Hold by Palaeo Drug Co. Pnlncc Drtifr Co. Carries a complete lino of all Lm kinds of wines, liquors, fancy to-baccos to-baccos nnd pipes. Oil) ICR PHIiSS 'M Rivcrville Cider Works Near Hiignr beet factory, Provo. iH Custom work n specialty. Quick Wm service. ICncli customer gets tho fl cider from his own applca. Cider, viuecnr, pickling onions nnd all kinds of vegetables for silc D. KiNNi:AH,Prop. Ind. jihono 284-D. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. H Mineral Flat Mining company. lM Principal place of busluos, Provo city, Utah county, Utah U Notlco Is hereby given that nt 11 -mm meeting of tho Imaril of dlreetora nf tho Mineral Flat Miiilutc onmpan; , held 011 the loth day or No ember, ifl 1008, an iirsessment (No. 1) or om ''fl (1) cent per share wa loirtl 9 on the outstanding enpltal stock or 'WMM the corrKirntlon, payable immeillately , lo U. 10. Alien, secretary, room 7, MM Knight IHock, Provo City, Utah. Any MM stock upon which this assessment may , MM remain unpaid on Wednolny, De-. MM 10, 1008, will be delinquent and ad- fm vertlscd for sale at public nuctton, and fl unless payment Is made broro will be MM sold onThursday, January 7, 1009, at MM tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of wild day, to pay the dulinquont omouuncnt ':H together with tho cost of advertising 1 and oxpeiixo of wde. Mm it. ii. ai.i.un, mm Secretary. - 'fl yillce, 11091117, Knight If onk, Proo City, Utah, lH Dntc of Hpt pilblleatton Nov- 1-1 fl |