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Show B 1 MEWS SUMMARY Three moil nrd dead its n result of B (! freight wreck on the Canadian mnln H, line, caused by a washout, nenr Lyt Hf i), a It Is reported Hint President-elect H' Tnft wilt vls.lt Havana to attend tho Inauguration of General .lose Miguel (lotnez on, January 28 nit president of Cuba. Two pontons, a laborer and a boy, Tvere killed and six others Injured as a result of an explosion of gat In tho basement of a commission house In Kansas City. H' 3. V. Unlzoll, known ns "Private Paltcll," announces that "nt tho solle-iiatlon solle-iiatlon of Ohio comrades" ho will be H willing to accept the United States IT, renatorshfp from Ohio. I Hugh O'Neill, an attorney, shot and I fccrlously wounded Mlchncl Fachtor, o icHlrcd hotel man. on Market street, I . In Ban FrancUco. Tho two mon quar I rcled over a business transaction. k Robbers held several cltlzons nt bay I, nt Attica, 0.. whllo they blew open f pnd robbed tho safo of Hennlngcr k ( Bllcox's ofllce of $0,000 In cash. Tim ji jobbers were fired upon, but oscaped. . js'o trace has been found of tho ns- I rallant of Mrs. J. D. Ford, whd was nt- l tacked In her homo nt Ixmg Reach, l t,nl., by an unknown man, bound, f gagged ,nnd nearly strnnglod to dentil. ' m. Mllllcls-La Croix, tho minister of t colonies, nnnonneed In tho French chamber of deputies last week that L tho ownership of Cllpporton Island, In I' the Pacific ocean, would bo submitted P 1o arbitration. The Nntlonnl bank of Montlcclo, I Ky has closed Its doors on account f ol a shortage of over $20,000 In tho cashier's department. Tho bank has a capltnl of $50,000 and total resources t of about $104,000, llryan carried Nebraska by a pin- r rallty of 4,102, according to an of flclal tabulation In the offlco of tho secretory of state. Toft received 120,-I 120,-I u 897, Uryan 131,099. Chnfin received C.179 and Debs 3,022 votes. I As a remilt of urgent representa tions made by the powers, tho Servian eovornmeut hos withdrawn Us special military gunrds on tho Austro-Hungnt ln frontier and discharged the reserves re-serves recently called To tlw colors. One man was killed nnd four In jilred when a Itock Island freight train d crashed lilo on extra freight nt Urlnk ! " ley. Ark. Tho caboose caught flro and was destroyed. Charles A. Clark, aged 27, of Lob Angeles, Col., was burned to a crisp., , " It In announced that Mrs. Itussell Sge of New York has given $25,006 p toward the establishment of a college y, (or colored youths In Kentucky, to bo t a branch of Rerea college. Tho col- fef . lege wilt be modeled utter the Tuske-1 Tuske-1 ' flee Institute. ' L, The gross earnings of, nlnoteen rail- . roads for tho first week In November, 1008. were $13,350,178, ugalnBt $12,-, $12,-, '-' 142,109, for tho first week In November, Novem-ber, 1907, an Increase of $1,2(JS,0G9. Seven roads show Increases nnd "i twelve decreases. Tho Hawaii Shlnpo publlBhofl -what i purports to be tlw toxt of a now treaty between the United States and Japan, tho official announcement of which, It ; says, will not bo mndo until next Fob f ruary, Tho trenty, as published, guar antee tho Integrity of China. Telegrams from Medina, Arabia, fclvo brief details of nn engagement y hctwefn tho troops and n largo force '" oi Ilodoulns. Three battalions occupy ing tho Helt el Ilaw were contpetlod to retire In Medina and suffered severe se-vere fosses during tho retreat. Patrick Ford, editor of tho Irish ' World of Now York, who was the sub- ject of an attack In the house of coin- iproachlng, ighor Cones Con-es that ho n tho pro- n St. Pet rights In 0 Russian poses. The a ltusslnn hat undur iro Bold to goB of tho 1 tho right iq is n na- has been rlcan bean rank and ameron in 3f the Chi-throughout Chi-throughout 'enang. Ha lower who econt situ nd that ho over tho cording to i Order of io remains nltted Bui-J. Bui-J. Honey of friends nt the for- lent of tho a wealthy by a Jury to of main-woro main-woro en-ovornmont en-ovornmont a year In u out In Simon, for-opa for-opa In the beslegod tho adiac-llnes adiac-llnes have ent troops t Urongbton io la under )f larceny nn article tterv by tlio-Ixxm tlio-Ixxm flxod laburg was uiUy. |