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Show Sunshine In the Dairy Stable. A farmer, whose cattlo havo nlwayi been kept In a stnblo on tho north side of tho barn, well lighted nnd ventl atcd, had occasion to enlarge lili stable, building the extension with r southern exposure, Into which tho direct di-rect rays of tho sun wero permitted to entor with no obstruction. Ho die covered by uccldent, wlint ho subse quently demonstrated by ropeated experience, ex-perience, that the xanio creatures In tho sunlight took on flesh moro read! y, ate less and produced moro that, when kept In tho stable where tho di reel sunlight never entered. Mori than this, ho proved conclusively that creatures suffering with various dlr-eases, dlr-eases, or reduced physical condition from divers causes, recovered more readily whon ufforded tho energlzlnx Influences of the sunshine. |