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Show "FRESHNESS" THAT MET REBUKE Young Lawyer No Match for Veterar Jurist In Repartee. Judge Allen was noted for his wisi decisions and tho promptness with which ho delivered them. Out when a delicate point of law came up, Involving In-volving matters of the highest consequence, conse-quence, fa always "rcsorved decisions." deci-sions." His way of stating his position posi-tion was as follows: "acutlemen, this Is an exceedingly serious problem; I'll go home and1 shoot a few bullbats, and meet you In court to-morrow morning nt ton o'clock with my verdict." One day an ambitious, but fresh, young lawyer sought to havo fun with Judge Allon. When tho customary statemont was mado by his honor this budding Choato remarked: "Did tho court over shoot bullbats on my meadows? mead-ows? I believe I havo the finest mcadowB and bats In the whole country. coun-try. It Is your honor's privilege to shoot there whenever you feel llko reserving decision." "How low do tho bats fly?" asked tho Judge. "Oh, about 11 feet, your honor; you hardly havo to pull tho trigger at allr you can knock 'eni down with tho muzzle of your gun." The venerablo Jurist chewed a little harder on his cud, thon "handed down" this, which near ly killed the young lawyer: "The court cays thankco; but tho shooting Is too low, Why, somo lawyors fly lowor than that, and you can knock 'em down with a battling stick." |