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Show " i . " tor th Tho ovcr-sktrt Is cut in n point both back and front, tho openings at tho sides arc laced across with wldo pruno-colared satin ribbons, tho ends finish with Bilk balls. Oriental embroidery Is used for tho double-breasted waistcoat tho fronts of the coat slopo away, and nro quite plain; narrow satin ribbon trims tho nrmholo; tho sleeve Is let In under It, and 1b finished off at tho wrist with a stitched material strnp. Hat of black chip, trimmed with prune-shaded foathera and silk. Materials required: Klght yards 48 Inches wldo, hnlf yard embroidery, six yards wldo, nnd four yards narrow satin xibbon, four ornaments, four buttons, but-tons, four yards coat lining. Tho second costumo Is In clephnnt-gray fine fnco cloth. Tho over-skirt Is finely braided at tho edgo with black silk braid, tho under-sklrt Is plain. A whlto cloth waistcoat gives a smart effect; the coat slopes away from It, and Is braided at the edgo; braided tabs of whlto cloth, with a silk ball at each point, trim tho front of coat. Slits are inndo nnd buttonholed nt tho sldo of front, through which black ribbon la threaded and tied In a bow. lint of gray felt, trimmed with palo pink roses nnd foliage. Mntcrlala required: Nino ynrdB cloth 4C Inches wide, hnlf yard white cloth, ono yard ribbon, eight silk balls, threo buttons, two dozen yards black silk braid, four yards coat lining. |