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Show j DOQ ACTS ROLE OF MAQI8TRATE. i In Dispute Over Ownership Court Permits Per-mits Beast to Select Master. New York. Dr. Joseph Ostrewlok. who lives on West Tenth street, lost his pet fox terler Prlnco nnd when ho learned that It had been seen In thn homo of Mrs. U. Itedder ho implored her to return It to him. Sho de'clnred tho boast had been picked up us a street vagabond by n neighbor, who had given It to hor. Thn doctor did sotno tnoro Imploring, hut Mrs. Hod-dfer Hod-dfer turned a deaf ear to his entreaties, so ho got a summons cnlllng her to answer. Magistrate Harris, when tho puzzto of "whoso dox Is Prlnco" enmn up, listened to tho testimony with gravity. Flnnlly ho snld: , "I will refer this matter to tho dog If the Idea Is satisfactory to both parties." It was. Mrs. Itedder handed Prlnco to tho mnglstrnto. "Now, doggy, chooso your master," admonished Iho court. It took about tho flash of n second for Prlnco to act upon tho court's suggestion. sug-gestion. Inkstands nnd mucilage bottles bot-tles fared tho worso for doggy'a lm pulslvcnrsa to obey tho court Immediately, Imme-diately, and doggy, leaping from the tnngiHtrnto'H hands, dashed to tho doctor's doc-tor's shoulder nnd snuggled his tiny whlto fnco against Iho doctor's. "Madam, tho dog has decided hi true and lawful owner better than I could. Doctor, It Is yours. 'cxt case," called tho mnglstrnto. |