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Show 8ATIN CASKET FOR PET DOO. Faithful Companion for Fifteen Year Given Elaborata Funeral, Trenton, N. J. In n sntln covered casket on which rested n bouquet of violets Nero, tho deceased pet dog ol Mrs. Christiana Lupnrdus, was burled .tho other day. . Nero was tho faithful and constant companion of Mrs. I.apardu for more than 1C years, and when ho became III with a muscular affection of the throat nothing was left undone to try to cure him. Ho succumbed to tho nllmcnt, however, how-ever, nnd Mrs. Lnpardus decided that his constancy was deserving of recog nlllon and hnd him properly laid out dressed In his fnvorlto collar nnd n bow of ribbon. Tho funeral cortege consisted only of ono carriage, bearing tho corpse the chief mourner, und thu benrer tho latter Mr?. Lnpardus' colored mnld. Nero was laid at real In o field near this city, tho ownor ol which had glvon his permission that tho Interment should tako placo there |