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Show TRIMMINGS MUCH IN EVIDENCE. Seen In Winter Gowns In Both Self-Color Self-Color and Black. Self-color and black trimmings nro a noticeable featuro of tho winter gowns. On toilettes of all colors and materials, from sheor to heavy weaves, this stylo prevails, and will probably bo adopted for evening as well as day wear. The Idea Is carried car-ried out In Boutacho, passementeries, appliques, or lace incrustations. Tho word laco In this caso means net braided or embroidered and Applied to tho gown. Self-colored novelties, applied to black net In a floral design nnd outlined out-lined with metallic beads, was the trimming used on a dlnnor gown of mnuvo pink crepo do chine. A band about ten Inches wldo encircled tho bottom of tho skirt, from which the material was cut. On the waist tho trimming was arranged In surpltco Htyle nud formed part of tho sleeves. A new trimming for Jackets and klrts of tailored suits U a very thick cord covered with taffeta or satin, It Is esnectally fashionable In black and - m It used on dark brown, blue ond green sergo nnd Cheviot. Tho cord thui treated Is arranged to form very larg medallions, In tho centor of which l worked out some design in braid, or ' iho cord Is twlstod to form a Dow ' design. This novel trimming Is known -m ab corded rouleaux. Id |