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Show EUREKA IS SWEPT BY A HAL WAVE Attempt Is Being Made to Force Gambling Houses to Close. CIRCULATION OF PETITION WITH THAT END IN VIEW It Is Not Believed, However, That the Effort Will Succeed. Spcclnl lo The Tribune. EUREKA. July 2S. A petition calling attention to tho fact that gambling 1b pormlttod to be openly conducted ln Luroka and asking that Judge Jonhua Greenwood of tho Fifth Judicial district call a spoolal grand Jury for tho purpose of lnvcHtlgatlng tho mater. In now bolng clroulated In Eureka. This petition was drawn up In tho law ofllce of Udal & Horry and Ihosc gentlemen aro aald to be circulating It among the residents of tho camp. The petition goos on to state that gambling Is permitted openly In several club rooms In the camp and that tho county and city olllcors are making no efTort to suppress tho evil. The petition also nllogus that there Is no Sunday closing of saloons In Eureka, and that these places of business aro running oponly seven days of the week. But very few residents of tho camp havo signed tho petition up to date, and It Ib hardly likely that Judge Groenwood will call a grand Jury for the purpose of Investigating tho matter. The officers hero bollcvc that there la loss harm from gambling whero tho games are allowed to bo operated oponly. And there ln no placo ln the Stato whore gambling Is conducted more upon tho square than It Is ln Eureka. Once each month the proprietors of tho various housos are brought Into police court and Quod. Nover In the history of Eureka havo the gambling houses been closed for any length of tlmo, nnd no effort has been made to enforce tho Sunday closing of saloons. |