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Show GRAZING DISCUSSED Uintah County Association Holds Important Im-portant Mooting. Tho Uintah County Grazing association associa-tion held a meeting Saturday afternoon for the purposo of considering sovornl applications that have been flled by sheep-owners to leaso sotno of iho grazing graz-ing land that tho association controls under a lease from tho Union Pacific railroad in Wyoming. The association has Just ronewed a leaso with tho railroad rail-road company for about 600,000 acres of land in Wyoming. Membors of tho association and others having an interest In tho lease will havo 16-1,200 head of sheep on the land this season, and, in addition to this havo applications from othor parties who' desire to herd CS.550 head o sheen on tho land. Tho association has determined to allow al-low but 130,0 20 head to graze on tho land. Tho railroad Is being paid $12 000 a yoar for tho lease and, in addition to this, tho association Ib. paying out $3000 a year for riders who rldo on the raiiKo from ono ond to the othor to koop off thn cattle. v 110 |