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Show Mrs. Maurlco Borkhool, accompaulod by her two small sons, Miss Agatha Berkhoel Berk-hoel and Miss Mario Berkhoel , will leave on Thursday for San Francisco, where they will visit with friends for a few days before going to Pacific Grove, Cal., where they will spend a couple b weeks. Mrs. Charles C. Crlsmon will leave during tho wcok for a two wooks' utay at Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Cosgrlff, accompanied accom-panied by the two children and MIsb May Kervln, will leavo early In the woek for Wyoming. Mrs. Goorgo W. StevenBon of Elgin, Or., accompanied by her Bon Jay, will visit with friends In tho city for a couple of weeks. Mr3. Walter Cooke, aocompanled by her daughters, the Mlssos Florence and Grace, has returned from a two months' trip In California. Dr. Aubrey S. Hull, accompanied by a party of friends, left last evening for Colorado for a two weoks' hunting trip. Miss Chnrlotto C. Beggs of Chicago is tho guest of her. aunt, Mrs. C. G. Field. Mrs. H. M. dishing has returned from a two weeks' trip at Denver, Colorado Springs nnd Manltou. Tho Misses Leo and Clara Folnom of Chicago aro tho guests of Mra. Amelia Young and Mrs. L. J. Brown. Misses Hattlo and Ida Flygaro have gono to New York for a month'a Btay. Miss Mllford Fullner and Nora A, Cook of Iowa, who wero guests In tho olty during tho past week, havo gono to the coast. Mrs. W. II. Copp and son have returned from Seattle, where they have been vIb-Itlng vIb-Itlng with friends and their aunt, Mrs. W. L. Bubb. Mlssos Hilda and Jennie Elllngson of Phoenix, Ariz., who havo been visiting at Long Beach, Cal., will arrive In Salt Lake Monday morning and will vl3lt with their brother, J. Waller Elllngson, chief clerk ot tho Salt Lako Route. Mrs.' J. A. Miner was a guest at tho Ocean hotel, Ashbury Park, N. J., during dur-ing tho past week. i Mr. and Mrs. II. J, Bennott and daughter daugh-ter Edna of Sprlngvllle aro visiting with Dr. J. W. Erwln. Mrs. E. D. R. Thompson of 1113 East First South street has gone East for a mouth and will visit friends In Milwaukee. Mil-waukee. . Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Hnrno have returned re-turned from Boston and New Hampshire. Mre. A L. Cooly has returned from a two months' trip In California. |