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Show WEEK ON 'CHANGE. Great Week's Trading Domes to Close on Local Exchange. Prosperity continues unabated! on the local exchange, Saturday's business being be-ing a continuation of tho heavy trading indulged in during the present warm weather. During tho day a total of 1G.S50 shares wore sold, representing a market value of 17,300.50. For the wook Just ended a total of 122, 4S3 shares wero sold, representing a value of $149,104.SS. During Dur-ing tho samo weok of last yoar, 11-1,477 shares wero sold, for which tho talent checked out tho sum of J51.871.SS. Three hundred shares of Daly-Judgo wero disposed of during tho day at prices ranging from ?10.S7 to $11. Columhus Consolidated remained Arm around $8.45. South Columbus held up well, beginning a long list of sales at 67 cents and ending end-ing 1 cent lower. Honorlne entorod tho list for 1000 shares at J2.47&. Beck Tunnel Tun-nel was very active at 82 and 83 cents. Little Cottonwood registered 5U cents per share In a salo of 1000 shares. May Day showed more strength Saturday Satur-day than for several wooks, reaching 12y conts a share. Lower Mammoth remained around 50 cents. Tho quotations quota-tions for the day and woek closod as follows; I Bid. AsVed. Ajax $ .20 S .23 Alice 2.75 3.00 Black Jack 1.00 Boston Con 2G.00 Bullion Book 2.75 8.50 Beck Tunnol 82 .51 Butlor-Liberal 05 .11 Cyolono on .00 Carisa 25 .27 Consolidated Mercur ... .50 .55 Contury 05 .10 Croolo , .00 Colorado Mining .25 Daly 1.8a 14 Daly-Judco 10.75 11.00 Daly West 16.75 17.25 Dnlton 00 Englo Si Blue Bell .... 2.25 2.87 Emorald .05 Gill una . . v .03 Grand Central 0.45 8.55 Ingot 01 .03 Joo Bower .01 .0-1 Littlo Bell 0.50 10.25 Little Cliiof 02Vi .03V1 Lower Mninrcoih .50 .53 Mammoth 1.75 1.02 May Day 11 .12 Now York .20 .30 Ontario 2.80 4.00 Uocco-Homostnko .20 Richmond Anaconda .... .03 Swansoa .00 .50 South Swansea .03 .05 Sacramento .. .. .10 .11 ' Silver Kiiifj 25.00 Star Consolidated .09 Silver Shlold .07 Suashino .01 Totro It .14 United States 56.50 58.00 Uncle Sam Con ..12 .43 Utah 1.05 1.20 Victoria 2. SO 8.00 Victor Connolidntoil .... .02 .03 Wabash , 07 Yankco Consolidated ... .33 .34 TpyOPAH STOCKS. I Bid. Asked. Goldon Anchor . ? .40 $ .52 Golden Crown .15 .30 Jim Butler 1.12 1.17 MncNamara .70 .73 Montana Tonopah 2.70 2.75 North Star 40 .44 Ohio Tonopali .26 .29 Tonopah, common 18.12 18.75 Tonopali Bolmont ...... 6.00 5.37 Tonopah Extension .... 5.50 0.00 ' Tonopah Midway .. ., 2.15 2.25 West End . . . . 2.80 2.50 GOLDFIELD STOCKS. J Bid. Asked Atlanta $ .10 $ .in Bluu Bull 12 .is Diain.-Bl, Butte com 33 .37 Dixio 00 .08 Goldfiold Belmont 35 .42 Goldfleld Bonanza ,05 Goldfielil M. of Novada.. .32 .37 Goldfiold Duioy 25 Groat Bend .33 .42" Jumbo 1.05 1.15 Kendall .43 .55 Mohawk i.05 l.'so Palace Goldfiold -'d Top 1.15 1.22 Sandstorm , ... .40 .53 Silver Pick .28 32 St. Ives I ,33 ,'4.1 BPLLFKOG STOCKS. I Bid7 I Aaked. Bullfrog Nat, Bank .... $ .37 $ 42 Donvor Bullfrog 1.35 1.50 EclipKo .82 Gold Bar 1.00 "i!i6" Montgomery Mountain .. .35 ,40 Original Bullfrog 12 14 Tramp 1 .25 MANHATTAN STOCKS! I Bid. I Aikc Granny G. & M, Co ? .11 $ 15 Jumping Jack 24 Manhattan Con .. .... .80 Mnnhattun Dexter ..... .40 " ".W" Mnnhattan Littlo Joo .. .03 !oo Manhattan Pine Nut ... .17 Soyler-llumphrey . . .13 " ' FORENOON SALES. DnlyJudge, 100 at $10.87. May Day, 500 at 12o. Uncle Sam, 600 at 43o. Now York. 1700 at 29 c. Tetro, 800 at 14c. Yankco, 500 at 83 o. Shares cold, 4200. Soiling value, 82180.50. OPEN BOARD. Bock Tunnel, 700 at 83c; 500 at 82c ooller 30 days: 2200 at 82o. Columbus Con., 200 at 38.40; 200 at ?8.45. . Daly-Judge. 100 at 910,87; 100 at 11 Honerlne. 1000 at 62.47. Littlo Cottonwood,- 1000 at 6io. Lower Mammoth, 800 at 50c, May Day, 1000 t 12 o. r Montgomery Monntaln, 500 t 880. Novada Hill, 350 at 82.75. Ohio Coppor. 100 at 81.42. South Columbus, 200 at 67c; 1000 at 65o: 2500 at Oflc. ' Star Con., 200 at lOo. Uncle Sam, 500 at 42a. Sharci sold. 12,650. Selling value, 815,114. |