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Show GETTING INSTRUCTIONS. The Governor of Utah, tho Hon. John Calvin Cutler, is justly to bo onvlod by all other executive oflicors in this or any other Nation of tho earth. Most men, fo stationed, are required to ponder gravely upon matters of public momont, and when diverse in-forests in-forests arrft' themselves and demand from executives divorgont, action, most officials possessing authority nro required re-quired to take tho chanccB of public error and personal disaster in announcing announc-ing their conclusions. Not no with Hon. Johu Calvin Cutler of Utah. Just at tho present time, a lnrgo and influential element of tho citizenship of this State is demanding an extraordinary session of the Leg islature to ongago in tho most extraordinary extra-ordinary procooding of passing a resolution reso-lution for submission to tho people, to amend tho Constitution of this State in order to secure tho consolidation of the Agricultural College with tho Stale Unlvorsity; and another large and influential in-fluential element of citizenship hero is arrayed against tho extraordinary session, ses-sion, becauso that olement opposes nil effort of tho consolidation of tho two big schools. Largoly tho controversy is within the party of which Govornor John Calvin Cutlor is an adherent; and most Governors would bo tearing thoir hair in an anguished attempt to reconcile recon-cile tho conflicting partisan and personal per-sonal interests involved. Happy John Calvin Cutler! Ho may still attend to his joyous duties of cutting cut-ting coupons and cloth with tho Bame shears leaving to his side-partner in tho coupon business and to tho manufacturer manu-facturer of his cloth and to his all-around all-around principal tho thrco being combined com-bined in one in the person of Apostlo Smoot a decision of tho entire matter. All that Governor Cutler has to do is to trust in tho Lord. Ho understands tho whole duty of man, which is to do as you are told and leave tho responsibility respon-sibility with God. "Obey tho priost-hood, priost-hood, and it will como out all right," Governor Cutler. And happy Apost lo bmoot, also I J? or all ho has to do is to open tho desk containing tho instructions that tho departed prophet, soor, and rcvclator (only temporarily departod, may God grant!) nnd deliver tho prophotic pur-poso pur-poso on tho point of tho extraordinary session of tho Legislature as oracularly as if ho had drawn a loaf from tho Sibylline books. But it is Governor John Calvin Cutler who is tho most gloriously happy ono. Smoot docs hnvQ his moments of worry, becauso ho does not liko to oboy rather his .prof crenco is to command; whereas Governor Cutler has no greater pleasure than in doing as ho is told. |