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Show Cured a Coinrudo of Cholera Morbus nnd Suvod His Life. "While returning from tho Grand Army Encampment at Washington City, a comrade from Elgin, 111., was taken with cholera morbus and wna in a critical condition," says Mr. J. 13, Houghland, of Eldon, Iowa. "I gave him Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhcea Remedy and believe saved hlB life, I have been engaged for t:n years In Immigration work and conducted con-ducted many parties to the south and west. I always carry this remedy and have used It successfully on many occasions. oc-casions. No person traveling or at home Bhould ho without this remedy." Por salo by all druggists. SUMMER EXCURSIONS Via Orgon Short Line. Dally, June 1 to September 15. 1906 from Salt Lake City: Portland or Spokane and return (via Ilu&ttagion), $12.00. San Francisco nnd return via Ogden nnd S. P. both wayo, $42.00. San Francisco nnd rotura via Portland Port-land 0110 way, $65,60. Lob AngeleB and return via Ogdcu and S. .P. both wayn, $50.00. Los Angolea and return via Portland one way, $03,50. Proportionately low ralos from other points, Final return limit of tickets, October 31. See ngentB for furthor particulars. City ticket ofneo, 201 Main at. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS Via D. Si R. G., July 20. To Opden 10;125 a. m 1:45 p. m., $1. To Pharaoh's Glen 8:35 a. in.. 50c. To Provo Canyon S a. in., $1.25. Returning, trains lcavo Ogden 7 p. m.. Pharaoh's 4:40 p. m.f Upper Palls 3:10 p. m.,nnd 7:80 p. m. I THE LAST CALL-ONLY THREE MORE DAYS I I I . SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY I I THEN DBS. SHORES' SPECIAL FBEE TRIAL OFFER WILL PASS INTO HISTORY. I , Until Tuesday night nt 8 o'clock, July 31, the offer holds good, hut -frill he -withdrawn at that hour forevor. Don't delay another minute. If you ffi have Catarrh, Asthma, Hay Fever, if you suffer from any diseases of tho head, nose, throat or lungs, if you are deaf, COME TO DBS. SHORES' OF-I OF-I FIOES BEFORE TUESDAY NIGHT AND DBS. SHORES WILL GIVE YOU A TRIAL TREATMENT FREE OF CHARGE TO PROVE TO YOU THAT I THE "NEW TREAMENT" CURES ALL CATARRHAL DISEASES QUICKLY AND SURELY. I ONE TREATMENT CONVINCES AND IT IS FREE OJO ALL WHO APPLY IN PERSON. H 8 Don't wait, COME NOW, and one treatment will convince the most skeptical that Drs. Shores' NEW treatment is tho medical discovery of tho age. 8 You will not ho asked to take treatment or pay a cont, tho offer is fair and squaro, and is given NOT AS, A CHARITY, hut to provo once and for all 1 that this NEW TREATMENT gives instant reliof and quickly cures all Catarrhal Chronic diseases. REMEMEBER, YOU HAVE ONLY THREE DAYS 1 MORE; THE OFFER CLOSES FOREVER TUESDAY NIGHT, JULY 31, AT 8 O'CLOCK. COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS. 1 CATARRH A DISGUSTING DISEASE ' I I People rroir so acoustomod to ha7lnp "Slight CaUrrh" ns they term It that they JfnlrjSaKBBl 9 n neglect it, until It roaches a dangerous point nnd then they gladly pay double Mllilfl'Wff i D irhut it -would hnre oost in tho first pines to hnvo it cured. VTo are boooming a Ml tiff Z' u ll w Nation of "Spitters." Stand on the utroot corner auy day and -watch tho crowds, fMlllll 1 1 hW7!a&&$& i 1 H Fou Trill see man aftor man hawk and ap ! t Tvhllo reflncd ladlos hold tholr oora, mttallV iJflfrsAi -4t&?yrj& L- fi 1 1 end give thom Trldo borth nnd the men neTor know why thoy aro repulsive to -wo- l lr flMM'& ."" H I nen. The Indies thcinsolvoi are not all guiltless for you will sco many fashionably ' . Wjj M.l Iwfmj' 1 1 aressod lndios stop to the curb and do the samo thing, and a blush of ohamo (All M 9ajfjyWl. jJdSSif U I croops ovor tholr faoes becau.10 "THEY OAN'T HELP IT." This filthy habit kVvll WW tf&- ' -"ttM Q B vrhlch has bocome so dnngurous that It was nocoscary to pass an ordinance pro- vVawiwfpfl' H Ir-Tgpr X M I hlbltlng apltting on tho strootR CAN BE STOrPED if tho pooplo -ivould woko up jj ViiUftiWR ' " M H and have tholr Catarrh CURED. Banish tho strout tpittor, banish tho cuspidor i wftSSSvXv. 1 H from tho homes don't contumlnato youn? and healthy babies and children, OUItE j vwJKiVV J? 1 a THAT OATAItRII NO"SV and you will fool better yourself and not be ronulsivo to WWjT" 6 ' H I your frlonda. Como to Drs, Shores Ofllces any tlmo bofore Tuesday night, and kSs$SS55Jj y U H recolvo n trial troatmont FREE juot to prove to you that you can bo cured, quick- S!-wt H 1 "AFTER" YOU HAVE TRIED THE TREATMENT FREE THEN TP YOU . DE- rlS. W 1 1 H SIRE TO BE TREATED UNTIL CURED DRS. SHORES WILL TREAT ALL WHO '-C- $$$Sp 3 I 1 APPLY WITH CATARRHAL CHRONIC DISEASES FOR $1 PER TREATMENT I $SX V X Yi H OR $1G FO RA COMPLETE COURSE UNTIL CURED. CONSULTATION FREE J 5:& .xA Ol Q I AND CONFIDENTIAL FOR ANY DISEASE, Zs0. S 1 HOME TREATMENT. WE TREAT AND CURE. ' I I To properly administer this new CATARRH Deafness, Noso nnd Jh V ffir'' 1 1 I catarrh treatment at home, Drs. Throat Troubles, Eye and Ear Dls- iC """ Jv-- H t Shores havo socurod two kinds of In- eases, Bronchial and Lung Troublos, TPfxtess. G Btruments for use of their patients Asthma, Stomach, Liver and Kidney vnv tiL.-'? .) raPIv fffiV" A who cannot call at tho offlco. Ono for Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Female i&P$ ?sSk W 3 cleansing and rendering tho mem- Complaints, Chronic Diseases of "Wo- V '"JS a h brano antiseptic, and one for admin- men and Children, Heart Disease, -' StSf11-? I lalerlng tho curative oils direct to Nervous Diseases, Chorea (St. Vltu6' Sv SC" 8 f the diseased membranes. Those two Dance), Rickets, Spinal Trouble, Skin S5CN$LvsSv SiS 8 Instruments aro given FREE with Diseases, Sciatica and Rhoumatlsm. vOO11, Zv1" R f ench full course of treatment, and Diseasos of tho Bowels, Piles, Fistula ssiLi " a I the entlro course, Including Inatru- and Rectal Troubles, Goitre (or Big 'r ments and medicines to completo a Neck), Blood Diseases, Tapo Worm, s" I ? cure IsS16 only. Remember this Hay Fever, Hysteria, Epilepsy, In- -5' 1 I does not mean $15 a month, but $15 somnla, etc., and all curable Nervous, T-r " VAi'V ' i for a euro. Thcro 1b no more "treat- Prlvato and Chronic Dloeascs. Prices ' I I ing by the month" for catarrh, slnco and Terms v.ithln the easy reach of I ' . 'iSy. thlfj now discovery cures quickly and all. Call or wrlto. Consultation j !Vv " eurely. freo. j DR. A. J. SHORES. 1 " , SPECIAL DEPARTMENT F08 MEN. I yp" DrB. Shores havo a Special Department exclusively for the treatment and j M wu(w tUr8 0i a11 lseases oi Men whether caused by lgnonance excess or contagion. y t5lMV . Tou may consult Drs. Shores about the most delicate or embarrassing prlvato I i mPL troubles, with the assurance that you -will be given honest advice and skll- Q lJfl ful treatent, and everything will be STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFI- 1 S JS DENTAL. Young men who have been led astray by bad companions, middle- I 1 WSsm'ISKfl aged men who have gone to excesses old men who find their vigor gone tho 4 Biir-n victim of Blood Poison and all others H VjjV VtJMmMm wno need tl,e counsel and aid of t"r- a El jsSl? JfJ&vM wJyl perlenced and kindly physicians, are txt-patt Tvnr-Nr H f yMffmm cordially invited to consult this de- vvjv joxn. - j 5ll',fe. i L-S WmWMfffiffl partment and bo advised FREE OF So-called "Weakneps" In men Is, I Ai eSSwiw PTTATtO'R merely a symptom of chronic lnflarrt- g JS: , it matlon In the prostate gland, brought h " gfKp--" Ov 80 8Ure ,s tno Cure under DRS on by early dissipation nr by the im- I n, SS&oSX SHORES' MODERN METHODS IN SfoiiL tratent, ?f sorlQ conacled tooa-sss. ys-C-OxXN v ... ,, , ci)Bease A complete unci radical euro 1 S''- vSVvV Sw. a11 Privato diseases that you may ar- ts therefore, a question of restoring ! 1 -VV ranBe to pay the fee for a Cure in j n" nd to Its normal state, ' Z-Z- , ' , and this we accomplLsh promptly and 1 . i f &5is0 Vs small weekly or monthly installments, completely without tho upo of lntcr j 1 ffUffi',,. J00 y' as the cure progresses, or you may jal remedies. Our treatment la a. 105a I I W . -o- ' . J- , one entirely. It Is original and sclera I 1 ! M MJ U '$MSS PAT WHEN CURED. No matter tlllc. and has been proved absolutely I i ' nhuWm ffl ' i) jsSSS what your trouble 1b, or who has failed effective by thousands of tests. "We I 1 f IhftMvMW .tU J 7sWyX to cure you, consult these Master Spe- aro convinced that by no other meth- I ! 5 IIiWJmWvL clallsts. free of charge, and learn how ,(ls C!in n,nd permanent reaiora- t j WHITE1 CUred ALL "h(1 visor be accent. J : DRS. SHORES & SHORES, : I 1 WW Houston Block, 249 South Main St., Salt Lake City. ' I I ' OFFICE HOURS Week days, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Evening, 7 to 8 p. m. DR. G. W. SHORES. Sundays and Holidays. 10 a. m. to 12 noon. COLORADO-UTAH SHORT LINE TO ST. LOUIS. Thrnuch car, Suit Lake City to St. Louis and Kansas City. Ouly ono chuiiv;u to Now Vorlt, Liutlalo nnd principal points Easi, Low rates for summer travel. Especial attention to Indies nnd chlldron, Tourist slcopers throuch to Ohicaco, Boston Bos-ton and other polniu without change. Two drains dally. Inquire nt ticket office. 103 Dooly block, Salt Laku City. Any information cheerfully given. ll. C. TOWNSEND, G. P. & T. A.. Missouri Pucifio Ry., St. Louis, Mo. TRAINS TO SALTAIR BEACH TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 31, 1900. Going Leave Returning Arrlru 8tlt Lake.' Salt Lake. 10:110 a.m. l;00p. ni. 2:00 p. in. 3:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 0:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 8;00p,rn. 9:30 p.m. 0;00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 10:00p. m. U;30p. m, Sunday last train lea-ros Suit Lako at 9:00 p. m. Sunday last train loaves Siltalr at 10;00 p. in. Dopot First South nnd Fourth "West Streets. 2TARI3 FOR ROUND TRIP. 25 CENTS. J. E. LANGFOEJ5. Lduoi.. t CURRENT TIME I TABLE, - In Effect June 3, 1906. LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY. No. 10 For Hebor, Provo and Marysvale 8:00 a.m. No. 10 For Ogdon 8:10 a. m. No. 112 For Bingham 8;10a. m. No. 102 For Park City U;16 a. m. No. G For Donver and East.. 0:50 a. m. No. 11 For Ogden 10:25 a. ni. No. 5 For Ogden and "Wont. 10:35 a. m. No. 1 For Ogden and Wost. . , 1:45 p.m. No. 113 For Bingham 3:00 p.m. No. 2 For Donvur and East.. 3:G0 p. m. No. 8 For Provo and Tlnlic. . ,G:00 p. in. No. 13 For Ogdon 0:00 p.m. No. 20 For Donver and East.. 0:30p.m. No. 4 For Denver and East.. 8:00 p.m. No. 3 For Oarilun nnd West. . .lltJO . ARRIVE SALT LAKE CITY. " " Nc. 19 From Donvur nnd East. 8:00 a.m. No. 0 From Ogden and West. 8:10 a. in. No. 12 From Ogden 9:50 a.m. No. 7 From Tlntlc and Provo. 10: 00 a. m. No. G From Donver and East. 10:25 a. m. No. 113 From Bingham 10:50 a.m. No. 1 From Denver nnd East. 1:35 p.m. No. 14 From Ogdon 2:10 p.m. No. 2 From Ogdon and Wost. 3:40 p.m. No. 101 From Park City 5:15 p.m. No. 115 From Binshnm 5:40 p.m. No. 9 From Provo, Ifcbcr nud Marysvnlo 5:55 p.m. No. 20 From Ogden 0:20 a.m. No. 4 From Ogden and West. 7:50 p.m. No. 3 From Denver and East. 11:00 p. in. All tralna oxcopt No. 1, 2, 3, I, 5, 0. 19 and 20 stop at Intermediate point.' Ticket oflico,. Dooly block. 'Phono 205. I. A BENTON, G. A. P. D. UTAH'S MOST POPULAR RAILROAD CURRENT TIME TABLE. DEPART DAILY. No. 7 Los Angolus Limned..., 4:45 p.m. No. 1 Los Angeles Express. ... 12:01 n.m. No, 51 For Stockton and 'Pintle. 7:45 a.m. No. 63 For Nuphl and Sau Poto Valley 8; 00. a.m. No, 63 For Garflold 11:30 c.r:. No. 05 For Neplu 4:4G p.m. No. 61 For Nophi nnd Lvnn..., 8:30 p.m. ARRIVE DAILY. No. 3 Los Angeles Limited .... 5:35 p.m. No. 2 Los Angeles Express .. 0:30 a.m. No. 02 From Lynn nnd Nophi.. 9:50 a.m. No. 54 From Garfield 1:20 p.m. No. 00 From Nephl and San Poto Valley 1:30, p.m. No. 64 From Nophi 5:45 p.m. No. 52 From Tlntie and Stockton Stock-ton .0:00 p.m. Finest Dining Car Sorvico in tho Wost. Only direct lino to Los Angeles, Stago connections con-nections or Novnda mining camps. OITY TICKET OFFICE. 100 S. Main ct. Phonos 193G. J. If. BURTNEH, Pp TIME TABLE I ratpH IN EFFECT lMSj NE 17, 1906. H ARRIVE. No. 4 From Ogdon, Chicago. Omaha, St. Louis, Kansas Oltv nud Donver '. 5:18 a.m. IH No. 14 From Marvsvllle. St. VM Anthony, Idaho Fn"s, Black- IH foot, Pocatollo, Ogden and in- IH tcrmcdlato points 7:10 a.m. H No. 8 From Ogdon, Portland, IH Butto, Snu Francisco 8:30 a. el 0 From Ogden and inter- IH mediate points 9:30 a.m. H No. 12 From Ogden, Cache Vol- ley, Mnlnd, Park City and In- IH tormodiato points 11:45 a.m. H No. 13 From Ohicnso, Omaha, Ogdon and other points 4:25 p.m. IH No. 2 From Ogden. Chicago, St. IH Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver and San Fruiicisoo 5:15 p.m. 1 No. 10 From Ogden, Cache Val- IH ley, Butte, Portland and Snn IH rrancisco 7:35 p.m. H DEPART. ' No. 0 For Ogdon. Omaha, Chi- IH c.-.go, Denver, Kansas City and H St. Louis 7:10 a.m. 1 No. 7 For Ogden, Portland, Butte, San Francisco and in- H tormodiato points , .10:30 a.m. H No. 1 For Ogdon, Omaha, Olil- cage, Denver. Kansas City, IH St. Louis and Snu Frnuelsco,. 1:30 p.m. IH j No 11 For Ogden. Cache Valley, IH Malad, Park City and inter- 1 modiato points 4:05 p.m. H No. 17 For Ogdon. Omaha, Chi- cago nnd other points 5.55 p.m. H No. 3 For Ogden, Denver, Kan- H fas City, Omaha, St. Louis and H Chicago 6:05 p.m. jH No. 13 For Ogden, Pocatcllo, H Blackfoot, Idaho Fulls, St. An- thony, Marysvillo and inter- IH mediate points 8:00 p.yjj IH No. 0 For Ogden, Cacho Vnl- IH ley, Butto, Helena, Portland, iH San Francisco nnd intormo- H dinto points .....11:46 p. is. H D. E, BURLEY. G. P. A. D. S. SPENCER. A. G. P. A. City Ticket Ofllce, 201 Main street. Telophtmo 350. H Note. Tho train numbers shown abovo nro Oregon Short Lino train numbers nnd do not B apply to the Southern Pnoitlo wost of Ogden IH or tno Union Pacific east thorcuf, jH YELLOWSTONE PARK TRAINS. IH SALT LAKE OGDEN RAILWAY. Timo Table in Effect May 30, 1006. IH Salt Lako, Lv. 0, 0, 11 a. m., 2, 4, 6, 7, S First nix tralna run through to Kays- jH Exlrn, Lagoon to Knyavlllo, 10:70 p.m. IH (Sunday 8:30. p. m.) H Lugoun, Lv. 7, 10, 12 a, m., 8, 5, 7, 9, H 10:31) it. m, (Sunday 9:30.) IH Sundays nud holidays special through IH trains tu Lugoou at 3 and 5 d. uu H |